The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

You deny science without any proof?
You think science is fabricated numbers! Too funny.

At any point, did you ever learn anything? If not, we might have uncovered your problem. For the moment, is there somebody nearby who can help you out?
Nobody forced anyone to get the vaccine
MANY people were heavily coerced, e.g. participate in the medical experiment or lose your job. As long as they had the option of losing their jobs, technically they were only coerced and not forced to get it.
I've always found it interesting how Reichwingers think that we lefties are cowardly wimps... yet we somehow terrify them. Why is that, do you think?

Things with nubs on the top of their spinal cords--Reichwingers being a perfect example--I speak of nubs which must, with inevitable futility, try to serve as brains,
don't have thoughts that we can analyze. Incapable of thought, they merely react. It's the concept that led to the term, "reactionary."
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?

You people are clowns, How many right-wingers supports The fact that Trump raped a 13 year old and told her he would kill her if she talked.
MANY people were heavily coerced, e.g. participate in the medical experiment or lose your job. As long as they had the option of losing their jobs, technically they were only coerced and not forced to get it.

I heard the reason that right-wingers are so big on guns is they like to shoot their neighbors dogs, Is that correct? If they can't hit the neighbor's dog, the next big number for them is shooting themselves in the foot.
Rather than waste time going through all the posts, can anyone just tell me what case is this MAGA troll referring to?
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


Clearly people on the left and right generally disagree on what constitutes "human life".

By virtue of the fact that many of the staunchest of pro-lifers support abortion to save a mother's life, they are also conscious of the fact that not all human life is of equal value.
Clearly people on the left and right generally disagree on what constitutes "human life".
Irrelevant. There is no disagreement within the context of this thread. I have defined it unambiguously:

Human: the DNA is of no other species.
Life: There is a heartbeat. This is universally accepted by all medical personnel in all countries. The first thing is to check for a pulse. If there is a heartbeat, there is life.

By virtue of the fact that many of the staunchest of pro-lifers support abortion to save a mother's life, they are also conscious of the fact that not all human life is of equal value.
You do not get to speak for others. You only get to speak for yourself.

For clarity and simplicity, I have ruled out of consideration the less than 1% of cases in which the mother's life is at risk. This thread only considers the cases whereby a living human is killed for someone else's (e.g. the mother) convenience.

So, the clear, easy, straightforward question to you is "Do you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes and who have not expressed any desire to die"?
I heard the reason that right-wingers are so big on guns is they like to shoot their neighbors dogs, Is that correct?
I heard that the reason leftists find it too difficult to learn is that they were never taught to think for themselves. Is that correct?

If they can't hit the neighbor's dog, the next big number for them is shooting themselves in the foot.
If leftists can't find some Marxist organization into which they can assimilate, they can always OBEY the nearest guy telling to believe in violations of physics.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


This is an off the wall statement that makes Magatard look foolish.
This is an off the wall statement that makes Magatard look foolish.
I don't think you did too well in school either. It's not so much a statement as it is a question. The question mark is a major clue. You should reexamine the question now that you know what it is and answer it. For your convenience, I'll ask it again here:

Do you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes and who have not expressed any desire to die.

1. Presume that we are talking about living humans, i.e. those with human DNA and a heartbeat
2. Presume that we are NOT talking about cases whereby a pregnancy is involved that happens to threaten the life of the mother.

Note: the words "person","abortion","viable", and "consciousness" do not occur in the question whatsoever.

This question is simple, straightforward and easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Go on, give it a shot.
I don't think you did too well in school either. It's not so much a statement as it is a question. The question mark is a major clue. You should reexamine the question now that you know what it is and answer it. For your convenience, I'll ask it again here:

Do you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes and who have not expressed any desire to die.

1. Presume that we are talking about living humans, i.e. those with human DNA and a heartbeat
2. Presume that we are NOT talking about cases whereby a pregnancy is involved that happens to threaten the life of the mother.

Note: the words "person","abortion","viable", and "consciousness" do not occur in the question whatsoever.

This question is simple, straightforward and easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Go on, give it a shot.

I'm not playing your little game; if you really do have a conscience, then why not do something that benefit humanity rather then to try to peddle extremist right wing ideology????
I'm not playing your little game; if you really do have a conscience, then why not do something that benefit humanity rather then to try to peddle extremist right wing ideology????
You haven't answered my question. Just be intellectually honest for a moment and give the obvious answer. Then you and I can move onto bigger and better things.

I'll ask it again here:

Do you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes and who have not expressed any desire to die.

1. Presume that we are talking about living humans, i.e. those with human DNA and a heartbeat
2. Presume that we are NOT talking about cases whereby a pregnancy is involved that happens to threaten the life of the mother.

Note: the words "person","abortion","viable", and "consciousness" do not occur in the question whatsoever.

This question is simple, straightforward and easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Go on, give it a shot.
You haven't answered my question. Just be intellectually honest for a moment and give the obvious answer. Then you and I can move onto bigger and better things.

I'll ask it again here:

Do you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes and who have not expressed any desire to die.

1. Presume that we are talking about living humans, i.e. those with human DNA and a heartbeat
2. Presume that we are NOT talking about cases whereby a pregnancy is involved that happens to threaten the life of the mother.

Note: the words "person","abortion","viable", and "consciousness" do not occur in the question whatsoever.

This question is simple, straightforward and easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Go on, give it a shot.

You are as transparent as glass, and like I told you before, I'm not playing your silly little game, so go screw-off.