The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

Just read the question. It is an easy, simply and straightforward two-part question.

Do you believe it should be legal to kill a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die? How does your answer change if said killing clearly makes some other living human's life more convenient?

You don't have to change any words. This is not a trick question. There are no semantic games being played. It's a straightforward question.

You would be better off asking that dumb question on Stormfront.
Here's fair and equal: when a pregnancy isn't wanted, BOTH parties use protection each and every time. At least that will shut down some of the arguments from the patriarchs about women spreading their legs, sleeping with the trailer park, looking for a free financial windfall, etc.
Question: How do the previous desires of one's parents somehow rescind any living human's right to not be killed for some other living human's convenience?
You would be better off asking that dumb question on Stormfront.
Thank you for the suggestion.

1. What is Stormfront?
2. What is it about the question that makes it more appropriate to be asked there? ... or are you suggesting that I also ask it there?



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Thank you for the suggestion.

1. What is Stormfront?
2. What is it about the question that makes it more appropriate to be asked there? ... or are you suggesting that I also ask it there?

Stormfront is a forum for racists, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Alt-Right, KKK members and others.

They would answer your question in the affirmative.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


Ah yes..abortion. Mother trumps fetus.
Stormfront is a forum for racists, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Alt-Right, KKK members and others.
I should check it out. Do you have a link?

They would answer your question in the affirmative.
So you presume to speak for them. I presume then that you are one of them?

So you actually don't see any reason my simple, easy and straightforward question cannot be answered here on JPP, correct?

Yep. Look up the definitions.

In one post you insist that living humans have no rights and then in the next post you insist they do.

This episode of Sesame Street is brought to you by the word "Contradiction" ... and the number Camacho II"

I should check it out. Do you have a link?

So you presume to speak for them. I presume then that you are one of them?

I am not racist so I don't speak for them.

So you actually don't see any reason my simple, easy and straightforward question cannot be answered here on JPP, correct?

Actually there's a few posters here that would answer your question in the affirmative. I'm surprised they haven't responded.
In one post you insist that living humans have no rights and then in the next post you insist they do.

This episode of Sesame Street is brought to you by the word "Contradiction" ... and the number Camacho II"

A human being is a person.
Both parties would have to agree to planned pregnancy for it to be any kind of "contract".

Without a written contract that's untrue. If the pregnancy is carried to term, the man is made responsible for child support. If the woman on her own which she can do decides unilaterally to have an abortion, the man gets no say. That is unfair to the man both ways. He gets no say in the abortion and then gets no say in having to pay child support if the child is born.

For it to be a fair and equal contract, either he gets a say in the abortion / birth of the child and then in custody, or we eliminate child support for out-of-wedlock births as the woman is taking full responsibility for any pregnancy as it is Her decision, and hers alone as Leftist Feminists put it.
Without a written contract that's untrue. If the pregnancy is carried to term, the man is made responsible for child support. If the woman on her own which she can do decides unilaterally to have an abortion, the man gets no say. That is unfair to the man both ways. He gets no say in the abortion and then gets no say in having to pay child support if the child is born.

For it to be a fair and equal contract, either he gets a say in the abortion / birth of the child and then in custody, or we eliminate child support for out-of-wedlock births as the woman is taking full responsibility for any pregnancy as it is Her decision, and hers alone as Leftist Feminists put it.

I already get the logic. I've heard the same argument many times.
Stormfront is a forum for racists, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Alt-Right, KKK members and others.

I had a look. It seems that you are intentionally misrepresenting the forum. It is clearly a forum for sharing information about the defense and survival of "white people" ... whoever they are. Where did you get "Neo-NAZIs," "White Supremacists," "Racists" and "Alt-Right" (whatever that is)?

I'm guessing that Stormfront is similar to the message boards established by South African farmers. I don't know your level of awareness of international events but farmers with light skin color are being systematicatically tortured and killed in South Africa by police and gangs with specifically dark skin color. Those farmers have a message board network for their protection, defense and survival. The current most popular method for killing the farmers involves using a blow torch to facilitate the peeling of flesh from the bones. Women are typically raped before being forced to watch this happen to their husbands and fathers. The message board is something they do because they place a certain emphasis on their survival. It seems to me that Stormfront is geared for the same purpose, at least it looks that way from where I am standing.

So you say that they would affirm the rights of living humans whereas you do not, yes?
I had a look. It seems that you are intentionally misrepresenting the forum. It is clearly a forum for sharing information about the defense and survival of "white people" ... whoever they are. Where did you get "Neo-NAZIs," "White Supremacists," "Racists" and "Alt-Right" (whatever that is)?

I see that you are unaware of racists here on this very forum. I can name them.

So you say that they would affirm the rights of living humans whereas you do not, yes?

Will you please stop twisting people's words?
IBeDaMann...Hmmm...I'm supposed to believe that you've been on the Internet for any extended amount of time at all and didn't know what Stormfront was?

Uh huh, ok.
A human being is a person.
Incorrect. Stick with the words in the question. I'm not asking you to answer a question that I am not asking.

A fetus is a living human; that cannot be plausibly denied. The question of whether a fetus is a "person" can only get bogged down in an endless rhetorical quagmire.

The word "person" does not appear in my question. Your position is that fetuses don't have rights ergo your position is that living humans don't have rights. Frankly, that's pretty sick.
Incorrect. Stick with the words in the question. I'm not asking you to answer a question that I am not asking.

A fetus is a living human; that cannot be plausibly denied. The question of whether a fetus is a "person" can only get bogged down in an endless rhetorical quagmire.

You are talking about DNA.

The word "person" does not appear in my question. Your position is that fetuses don't have rights ergo your position is that living humans don't have rights. Frankly, that's pretty sick.

Again, "human being" means a HUMAN PERSON. "Being" means a sentient person with consciousness.
IBeDaMann...Hmmm...I'm supposed to believe that you've been on the Internet for any extended amount of time at all and didn't know what Stormfront was?

Uh huh, ok.

Who is doing this "supposing"? Why are you somehow "supposed" to believe that? What I recommend you do is believe whatever the fugg you want to believe. That'll show whoever is "supposing" that he's not the boss of you! You go show'em, Tiger.

... but I'll clue you in on a little trick I learned when I was a kid. You can normally tell when someone doesn't know what something is when he asks what it is. It's a truly helpful technique, I've found.