Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
little willie;Nice to see you haven't changed Little Willie. Why the hypocritical support for McCain? You had nothing but contempt for him a few years back when he was critical of your super hero W.
What's really asinine about your post, little willie, is that it is just simply guilt by association. Well isn't Bush then a traitor due to his families investment in Saudi Oil? Isn't Bush a racist because of his ties to Bob Jones University? Please explain to me, how is Rev Wright any differant than Bob Jones III? Please rationalize that with your peculiar brand of hipocracy? Why is it outrages that Obama has not denounced Rev Wright but we haven't heard any calls from you for President Bush to denounce Bob Jones III?
Put your balls were your mouth is. I"m publicly challenging you to demand that President Bush publicly denounce Bob Jones III as the agent of racist intolerance that he is.
Either have the balls to do that or shut the fuck up you slimy partisan hipocrit.
One more thing. Don't support McCain. An honorable man like him does not need the support of a bigoted hack like you. Go back to Bushland where you belong.
How comes I'm not surprised you didn't answer my challenge you chickenshit hipocrit?