In order to sound more scientific than you actually are
So you discard the theories of science I just stated for you.
I am not overstating anything. I simply answered your question.
Nothing in AGW violates the First Law. CO2 doesn't make the warming, CO2 (and other GHG's) merely cause the level at which the incoming radiation re-radiates back out into space higher and higher and higher to regions where it is less and less radiatively efficient.
Now you are ignoring Kirchoff's law of equivalence. Emissivity and absorptivity are the same. If something cannot radiate as well, it also cannot absorb as well. Makes no difference.
This leads to an increase in temperature in the lower atmosphere at the surface of the earth.
No. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat. You are not discarding the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Nothing is creating or destroying energy or matter.
It takes additional energy to increase the temperature. Where is it coming from????!? The Sun's output is assumed to be the same as before.
Again, your lack of any real appreciation of thermodynamics aside,
It is YOU discarding both the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
there is no violation of the Second Law. Unless you don't think you can make ice in a freezer.
This old argument again?????!? No. Making ice in a freezer is NOT a decrease in entropy.
Why do I say that? Because your freezer is a good example of a place where ENTROPY DECREASES LOCALLY (making ice is an entropically negative thing),
WRONG. You cannot compare two different systems as if they were the same system. Freezers don't make ice by themselves. You have to plug them into a power plant to do that. A freezer by itself is one system. The freezer and the power plant is another system. You cannot compare two systems as if they were the same system. False equivalence fallacy.
but the Second Law still holds because on a universal scale the overall entropy of the universe is increased.
There is no 'universal scale'. A system is simply a boundary you declare.
The Second Law really only applies to isolated systems.
It applies to ALL systems. You cannot set it aside even for a moment. It applies even to the known universe.
You may not know this but the earth has a big energy source outside of it that pumps heat into the system, so your attempt to use thermo you don't really understand fails here.
Again, you are comparing the Earth itself to the Sun-Earth-space system. You cannot compare two different systems as the same system. False equivalence fallacy.
You are extremely far out of your depth on this.
No, that would be YOU. You don't understand what a system is when discussing thermodynamics. You continue to compare two different systems as if they were the same system. That's a false equivalence fallacy.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. Heat always flows from hot to cold...never the reverse.
You cannot separate emissivity with absorptivity.
The emissivity of Earth is unknown.
The Stefan-Boltzmann law has no frequency term. ALL frequencies are considered.
Absorption does NOT necessarily result in conversion to thermal energy.
There is no 're-radiation'. A photon that is absorbed is DESTROYED.