I really didn't want to do this but...
In simple, easy to understand terms...
The Stefan-Boltzmann law is in regard to what are called white and black bodies.
No, it isn't. The Stefan-Boltzmann law describes conversion of thermal energy to electromagnetic energy. The rate of conversion follows temperature...never the inverse. Emissivity is a measured constant.
A black body absorbs all energy that contacts it. A white body reflects all energy in the same way.
These are ideal reference points. That is all. Otherwise correct.
This is described by the term "albedo."
WRONG. It is described by the term 'emissivity'. Albedo is the inverse of emissivity.
Albedo ranges from 0 (white body) to 1 (black body).
WRONG. You have it backwards. EMISSIVITY ranges from 0%, a perfectly reflective or 'white' body, to 100%, a perfectly emissive 'black' body. Albedo is the inverse of emissivity. Emissivity is also the same as absorptivity, in accordance with Kirchoff's Law of Equivalence.
The Earth has an albedo between 0 and 1 about .3 ish currently.
The emissivity of Earth is unknown. It is not possible to measure it.
The sun radiates some amount of energy. The energy that reaches the Earth is either absorbed or reflected. That amount is subject to change dependent on the albedo of the planet and its ability to radiate that energy back into space as opposed to absorb it.
The better it can absorb light, the better it can emit light.
The other source of energy is that created on Earth itself.
I assume you are talking about coal, oil, natural gas, the fission heating the Earth's core, etc.
Humanity creates some of that. See the Kardashev scale for more.
Energy consumption is not energy creation. Redefinition fallacy.
So, changing the albedo of the Earth, or changing the composition of the atmosphere will affect albedo to some degree. How much is open to debate as is the affect humanity has on this versus nature.
Makes no difference. The emissivity of Earth is unknown. It is not possible to measure it. You are trying to modify the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Emissivity is a measured constant, not a variable.
As for thermodynamics:
The first law ∆U = Q - W That is, U energy out equals energy put in Q less energy used in the system (work) W.
This is correct.
In terms of planetary climate the energy from the sun less energy absorbed by the planet equals the energy reflected back into space.
Absorptivity is also emissivity. They are the same. You are ignoring Kirchoff's Equivalence law again. ALL the energy absorbed by Earth is emitted back into space. ALL of it. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You can add in energy created on Earth to this, but that's minor by comparison.
ALL the energy created on Earth is also radiated out into space.
The second law is that energy is conserved. That is, energy out + energy converted to work = total energy put into the system.
No work is being performed. No gas or vapor is work. W=0, using your version of the equation.
So, the laws of thermodynamics
Which you just discarded.
and the Stefan-Boltzmann laws
Which you just discarded.
are not violated in the least by the temperature of the Earth rising or falling due to changes in albedo or the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
Yes they are. There is no 'substance' term in the Stefan-Boltzmann law. ALL materials convert the same way.
The question is, how much is anthropomorphic and how much is natural.
The presence of CO2 does not change emissivity. There is no 'substance' term in the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
The Church of Gorebal Warming erroneously claims that it is human activity that is the significant cause versus nature.
There is no 'cause'. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
They then try their damnedest to find a way to prove this, much like many other religions try to find proof of their God or their Gods.
This part is correct. The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion.