The REAL Fiscal Problem

It's interesting to note that Dano characterizes the expenditure for Iraq as "tiny."

I'll have to remember that the next time he's complaining about some environmental initiative or medical research funding proposal that comes in at a small fraction of the cost of Iraq.
Wrong. Again I said that doing that will not balance the budget or avert a fiscal crisis, I never said it wouldn't help or isn't important.
yeah tort reform. Our republican govt in KY did that. Now a kid that had both feet severed on an amusement park ride is limited to 200K settlement.....

Tort reform (screw the little guy) sucks!

Most suggestions are merely to cap the punitive portion. The crazy millions. Real damages should be awarded. 200k sounds low. You think the government will cough up cash for all this when they take over?
Have you seen sicko dano? I suggest you pay close attention to the part where the founder of Keiser Perminente makes a pitch to Nixon about profit healthcare.

The for-profit system makes it hugely expensive mainly because many people cannot get coverage because granting coverage would cut into insurance profit margins. Also, people with coverage can't get the care they need - in fact, they have people who do all they can to scour your records looking for an excuse NOT to pay you for what you need. They'll dispute doctor's findings and people die because of it.

Profit is the root of much of the problem with healthcare. That's indisputable to anyone without their head permanently submerged in a fishbowl of Reagan-piss-laced koolade.