The REAL Inconvenient Truth....


Above is a chart showing the median atmospheric temperatures in the northern hemisphere (blue) and the corresponding solar activity (red). It clearly shows that the average temps have risen (and fallen) in almost uncanny parallel with the solar cycle.

Interestingly, the differentiation in the two is virtually the same from 1860 to 2000, even though, in 1860, there were no cars, and few factories producing the 'greenhouse gasses' we are told is causing global warming. You would expect to see, (if the current global warming theories were true), a substantial differentiation over the past 50-100 years, at least. You would also expect to see this differentiation widening as we go, as man contributes more and more to global warming, but as you can see, there is no apparent difference over the course of the last 150 years.

Now clearly, as the chart shows, the Earth is indeed warming, and no doubt, the polar ice caps are going to melt when the Earth warms, causing all kinds of ecological problems and weather hazards on the planet. But how much does man contribute to this? As the chart shows... not much!

Meanwhile, us intelligent people have to tolerate the likes of Al Gore, lecturing us on the catastrophe that lies ahead if we don't conform to the wacko left-wing kooks of the world, and change our ways. Idiots and morons will whine and cry about how we are going to lose cities on the coast to rising oceans, never comprehending the profound ramifications of cooling oceanic currents from all the melting ice, which will cause massive hurricanes, ice storms, mudslides, and droughts, which will essentially wipe out all life on the planet, long before the ocean ever rises even a few feet.

I don't raise this issue to endorse the idea of ignoring mankind's effects on the environment. I think we should do all we can to keep the planet clean, but not because I am some freaked out nut-job who fears the ridiculous and absurd. I think there are ways we can clean up our act, to find better alternatives to fossil fuels, to be conscious of greenhouse gasses and pollution we are dumping into the atmosphere, but this 21st century version of Chicken Little, is ridiculous. We are not causing global warming, the sun is!
Even if this were true.. the point is...and this is where I totally agree with Gore..... we need to change our ways so we dont add another negative to the overall equation. It is several things..and C02's are part of the equation.

Why is it you will believe the word of Scientists on just about every matter accept for this one?

I admit that sometimes science isnt always correct... in the case of cholesterol or the origins of the Universe... seems like every ten years they are revising their take.. but on this particular matter I believe them. There is enough evidence to back Al Gore ... but I look at it as one part of many that are inducing climate change. But the important thing... this one part we have control over. So why not make the change? It only brightens our future, in terms of pollution and National Security...
Even if this were true.. the point is...and this is where I totally agree with Gore..... we need to change our ways so we dont add another negative to the overall equation. It is several things..and C02's are part of the equation.

Why is it you will believe the word of Scientists on just about every matter accept for this one?

I admit that sometimes science isnt always correct... in the case of cholesterol or the origins of the Universe... seems like every ten years they are revising their take.. but on this particular matter I believe them. There is enough evidence to back Al Gore ... but I look at it as one part of many that are inducing climate change. But the important thing... this one part we have control over. So why not make the change? It only brightens our future, in terms of pollution and National Security...

klaatu, my good friend..... hopefully, the question highlighted in bold was posed rhetorically only. You have known Dixie long enough to realize that he is bound by no ethical or logical framework other than his adoration for all things republican and all things bush.
The real inconvenient truth for the Republicans is that bush lied, our troops died and the Iraq war is both a mess and a mistake.
Honestly I don't particularly care if it is both, or none. We should clean the environment because we have to live in it. Only humans crap in their own bed and think they are being wise.
Global Warming or not, there are multiple benefits to moving towards cleaning up our environment. From health reasons to less energy dependence. Can you name me one negative to moving towards cleaner solutions? Oh.... it costs money....well then... fuck it!
Global Warming or not, there are multiple benefits to moving towards cleaning up our environment. From health reasons to less energy dependence. Can you name me one negative to moving towards cleaner solutions? Oh.... it costs money....well then... fuck it!
The thing of it is, if it costs money then somebody is making money too. The idea that this money is spent into a vacuum and nobody benefits other than with clearner air and water is oversimplification. Much like the arguments that revenue works on a zero sum game, or that if somebody else is getting rich that means another person is getting poor.
Global Warming or not, there are multiple benefits to moving towards cleaning up our environment. From health reasons to less energy dependence. Can you name me one negative to moving towards cleaner solutions? Oh.... it costs money....well then... fuck it!

exactly...and the money that it "costs" will support new industries and new jobs
I just could never understand why people could be so against this type of thing. Honestly, my Libertarian values are of less government and all of that, but this is one area where I don't see how I can agree to less government involvement. If my neighbor is polluting the air, it effects me, so we can't just look at this issue as every man for himself and let them pollute as they please.
Why is it you will believe the word of Scientists on just about every matter accept for this one?

Cause Dixie takes his marching orders from Sean Hannity and the RNC.

In every other aspect of his life, Dixie would listen to the scientific consensus. If 10 out of 11 doctors told him he had a cancerous tumour, Dixie would be running down to the clinic to get chemotherapy.

Oddly, when 10 out of 11 scientists tell him humans are warming the planet, Dixie runs to Sean hannity to find out what to think.
Bushies stoutly support scientists as long as the scientists support them.
It is just the way their little pinhead brains work.
Interestingly, the differentiation in the two is virtually the same from 1860 to 2000, even though, in 1860, there were no cars, and few factories producing the 'greenhouse gasses' we are told is causing global warming.

Where are you getting that the data goes out to the year 2000?

The pic you linked SAYS the data is up to 1990. In otherwords, your giving us a scientific study that is nearly two decades old. ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING CURRENT SCIENCE.

I don't know if you made a mistake, or if you did this deliberatly. But a study from 1991, is wildly out of date with current knowledge on this topic.

You "forgot" to give a link, but I suspect this chart if from the Chrinstensen and Lassen paper in "Science" from 1991. Certainly naturally variability of the sun has an effect on climate, but since 1991 we are FAR more confident that CO2 play a MAJOR role in recent climate trends.
Even if this were true..

What the fuck are you talking about, IF it's true? I gave you the chart, the chart is true, the facts don't lie. Global warming coincides precisely with the flow of the solar cycle, and has done so for the past 150 years. I think that is enough evidence to prove the solar cycle is responsible, and not man.

Those of you who apparently think I somehow endorsed pollution, need to re-read the last paragraph again. I agree with Damo, we should clean up our environment because we have to live in it. I also agree with Dave, the issue of the environment effects us all, so we can't just ignore what we are doing to it.

This was to address the concocted liberal wacko environmentalist claims, that man is causing global warming. It's apparent to me, they have been successful at repeating the lie enough to brainwash some into believing their cock and bull, which in turn means, more of my tax money is going to fund some idiot in a lab coat telling us to get rid of our cars! Get real people, we've got FAR greater problems than worrying about the sky falling!
Where are you getting that the data goes out to the year 2000?

Oops! You are right, the data is only for the last 140 years, not 150. My bad!

Ahhh, so you DID post a study that's almost two decades old, and tried to pass it off as current science. Shame on you.

There's been almost two decades of research on solar climatic forcing since this old study, that you posted. Its much clearer now, that solar forcing does not account for the recent warming trends.
Not so. Sorry!

The data is still relevant, it can't change, the chart is not inaccurate, it doesn't lie. Answer me a few questions here...

When did we first start polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gasses?
What technologies brought forth all of this detriment to the environment?
Does the pattern of solar activity and global temperature reflect this?

We didn't just start producing greenhouse gases in the past 20 years, if we had, you would be making a somewhat valid point regarding the data. Although, 1990 is not quite 20 years ago. We can still look at the chart and see, with the advent of cars, factories, and the technology which produces greenhouse gases, there is no discernible deviation in the pattern of global warming with regard to the solar activity. Now, I suppose you could theorize that we just finally built up enough greenhouse gas to destroy the environment in the past 20 years, but IF that is the case, and we've done that much damage in that short period, we are indeed fucked.