The REAL Inconvenient Truth....

Dixie, you are such a dingbat.

No-one disputes that the climate changes in cycles. Not one person. What we are discussing is the extent to which man's activity in creating greenhouse gases is altering that cycle.

Jeez, try to keep up....

Well, according to the chart I posted, man had little effect between 1860 and 1990. So, unless there is some data to show that man has suddenly started to drastically effect a change in the past 18 years or so, we can reasonable conclude that man doesn't have a lot to do with global warming.

I agree, no one disputes the climate changes in cycles, and it's also clear the planet is in a warming phase. The argument is whether man is causing the warming phase, or whether it is part of a normal cycle. The Chicken Littles of the world, like AlGore, have decided that man is causing it all, and it has nothing to do with these natural cycles. "The ice is melting! The ice is melting!" ....Duh? No shit! The earth is getting WARMER! Ice frickin melts when it gets warm!
Environmental problems could be killing the bees Damo. And don't say no way because we have no clue as to the cause yet.
Environmental problems could be killing the bees Damo. And don't say no way because we have no clue as to the cause yet.

Yes Damo! Let's not throw away a perfectly good opportunity to work people into more of an envionmental frenzy... this is clearly caused by global warming and internal combustion engines! To deny that is just plain right-wing ignorance! We've got to do something about all these cars in California, then the bees will return, you will see! Meanwhile, there is no reason for you to be ignoring the obvious here, man is causing the bees to die! We must act now, tommorow will be too late! Imagine a world with no honey? All because man couldn't sacrifice his precious car! You should be ashamed! :pke:
Well, according to the chart I posted, man had little effect between 1860 and 1990. So, unless there is some data to show that man has suddenly started to drastically effect a change in the past 18 years or so, we can reasonable conclude that man doesn't have a lot to do with global warming.


Mmmnn. Carbon emissions by man seriously increased post-industrial revolution. Check out how far the cycle has been kicked out of kilter since then, current temperatures overtaking even the middle ages 'warm phase'.

The argument is whether man is causing the warming phase, or whether it is part of a normal cycle.

No its not. The argument is whether mans actions have kicked the cycle out of kilter. You are using strawman arguments.
Hmm I think the root of the dispute here is assuming that all carbon emissions effect the climate the same.
Is wood carbon emissions are the same as coal carbon emissions, petro carbon emissions ?
Notice how the chart starts to rapiddly rise when we started burning petro ?
Perhaps it is deep underground for a reason....
also is the worlds population considered ?
Narrow visions produce faulty conclusions.
Hmm I think the root of the dispute here is assuming that all carbon emissions effect the climate the same.
Is wood carbon emissions are the same as coal carbon emissions, petro carbon emissions ?
Notice how the chart starts to rapiddly rise when we started burning petro ?
Perhaps it is deep underground for a reason....
also is the worlds population considered ?
Narrow visions produce faulty conclusions.

Hmm I think the root of the dispute here is assuming that all carbon emissions effect the climate the same.

An astute observation UCS.

I saw the testimony of the IPCC scientists to congress, and they pretty much validated your assumption. In the middle of the twentieth century, there was much more airborne particulate pollution - sulfer, particulate matter, etc. Particulate matter actually reflects solar radiation (like voclanic ash would do), and for a time the effect of the particulate matter overwhelmed the greenhouse effect of greenhouse gas emissions. And temperatures in the mid-twentieth century did not rise as rapidly as we see now. Now, the emission of green house gases has overwhelmed airborne particulate pollution, effectively increasing the rate of temperature increase.