The real reason democrats wear masks


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first its a natural for then to wear masks to hide their faces to help cover up their actions, but it really gain popularity in the 1800s when they developed the KKK and were killing blacks by hanging them from trees , shooting them and raping their women.
After that you just had so many democrats wearing masks it was silly.

You had the democrat radicals like the weathermen and the black panthers who like to set bombs commit armed robbery's etc that even popularized it even more with the democrat criminal elements.

And the riots over the years really made masks popular with democrats so they could avoid prosecution for attacking
and the ever popular democrat raping women also increased its use along with armed robbery. cops looting arson and other crimes they like to commit.
Even gang banging democrats love them .
"The Great Mask Debate" of 2020 will be ridiculed by history.

People are just gonna shake their heads at the stupidity. It's a respiratory virus.
"The Great Mask Debate" of 2020 will be ridiculed by history.

People are just gonna shake their heads at the stupidity. It's a respiratory virus.

I have no issue with wearing masks to prevent infection , I question how effect it really is because they don't seal, but democrats have been wearing masks for generations in their criminal activates so its more natural for them .
Over a year into this pandemic we still dont know enough about transmission to know how much masks help, or when they help. Let's be very clear, this has happened because our experts suck.

This from a month ago:
While risk of outdoor transmission of respiratory viral infections is hypothesized to be low, there is limited data of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in outdoor compared to indoor settings

There is no excuse for this degree of lack of information this late into this pandemic. This is malpractice from the experts.
first its a natural for then to wear masks to hide their faces to help cover up their actions, but it really gain popularity in the 1800s when they developed the KKK and were killing blacks by hanging them from trees , shooting them and raping their women.
After that you just had so many democrats wearing masks it was silly.

You had the democrat radicals like the weathermen and the black panthers who like to set bombs commit armed robbery's etc that even popularized it even more with the democrat criminal elements.

And the riots over the years really made masks popular with democrats so they could avoid prosecution for attacking
and the ever popular democrat raping women also increased its use along with armed robbery. cops looting arson and other crimes they like to commit.
Even gang banging democrats love them .

Your guy is a loser and you are a loser
first its a natural for then to wear masks to hide their faces to help cover up their actions, but it really gain popularity in the 1800s when they developed the KKK and were killing blacks by hanging them from trees , shooting them and raping their women.
After that you just had so many democrats wearing masks it was silly.

You had the democrat radicals like the weathermen and the black panthers who like to set bombs commit armed robbery's etc that even popularized it even more with the democrat criminal elements.

And the riots over the years really made masks popular with democrats so they could avoid prosecution for attacking
and the ever popular democrat raping women also increased its use along with armed robbery. cops looting arson and other crimes they like to commit.
Even gang banging democrats love them .

Republicans : Democrat Confederates.
Republicans: Leave the Confederates alone.
first its a natural for then to wear masks to hide their faces to help cover up their actions, but it really gain popularity in the 1800s when they developed the KKK and were killing blacks by hanging them from trees , shooting them and raping their women.
After that you just had so many democrats wearing masks it was silly.

You had the democrat radicals like the weathermen and the black panthers who like to set bombs commit armed robbery's etc that even popularized it even more with the democrat criminal elements.

And the riots over the years really made masks popular with democrats so they could avoid prosecution for attacking
and the ever popular democrat raping women also increased its use along with armed robbery. cops looting arson and other crimes they like to commit.
Even gang banging democrats love them .

It is amazing how stupid you are.
It is amazing how stupid you are.

its amazing how stupid you are , after all you voted for the big biter hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha , I bet you think the little biter is the smartest man the big biter ever met just like big daddy said , hahahahhahahahha.

You need to wear a mask in public so people wont know who you are and point look its the idiot hahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahahaha .
first its a natural for then to wear masks to hide their faces to help cover up their actions, but it really gain popularity in the 1800s when they developed the KKK and were killing blacks by hanging them from trees , shooting them and raping their women.
After that you just had so many democrats wearing masks it was silly.

You had the democrat radicals like the weathermen and the black panthers who like to set bombs commit armed robbery's etc that even popularized it even more with the democrat criminal elements.

And the riots over the years really made masks popular with democrats so they could avoid prosecution for attacking
and the ever popular democrat raping women also increased its use along with armed robbery. cops looting arson and other crimes they like to commit.
Even gang banging democrats love them .

One of the worst baits. -5/10