The Real Reason for the Iraq Ivasion

Bush and co get rich the more expensive oil gets. I don't see oil as priority #1. We don't even have the Iraqi government giving us their oil yet.

But we can buy it. That's the point. We need a government that won't deny us oil as we support a rogue zionist state with open plans to conquer the region.
To believe this is only about bush's ego is to be childish and ignorant. But I guess if you can frame it that way, you can avoid answering the oil question yourselves. Tools.
All of the Bushies always take the "oil" argument too simplistically. What we usually hear is "Well, if it's a war for oil, why didn't we take over the oil fields and why aren't we using all of the oil for ourselves?"

It's much more about the neo-con agenda for the Middle East, and creating governments in the Middle East that are more friendly to the U.S., to protect our supply of oil. You could argue that this is a practical goal, but we ARE manipulating a region for our own benefit (as we have for decades), and it IS essentially a war for oil if you consider the reasons for the overall agenda.
Naw. Move to Switzerland. Think about it: extremely high standard of living, stable economy, beautiful scenery and who in the world would have better use for spas?


Beefy should move to one of the scandanavian countries. Scandanavians love spas. Must be all those cold winters.
All of the Bushies always take the "oil" argument too simplistically. What we usually hear is "Well, if it's a war for oil, why didn't we take over the oil fields and why aren't we using all of the oil for ourselves?"

It's much more about the neo-con agenda for the Middle East, and creating governments in the Middle East that are more friendly to the U.S., to protect our supply of oil. You could argue that this is a practical goal, but we ARE manipulating a region for our own benefit (as we have for decades), and it IS essentially a war for oil if you consider the reasons for the overall agenda.

We havt to secure the area to secure the oil. Look how well the Shaw of Iran worked out for us. If carter just had kicked Irans ass when they kicked the shaw out....

Then we backed Sadam when hwe used WMD's on Iran....

Then Sadam Joined OPEC and brcame a rouge nation.

We ignored the fact that Saudia Arabia provided most of the 911 terrorists....
And is still funding them to a large degree.
