The Real Reason They Hate Trump

uh-huh. notwithstanding the idiot notion that you perverts are flawless.

If that nonsensical bullshit is true, then why are you still coming after Trump? Why the ongoing full court press?

I know this is been explained to you before but your situation precludes remembering what's been going on.
The Obama administration was like a bad word game come to life. You wonder did they invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein had the same name as Obama? Was it all a set up? You wonder how valid anything is anymore. You know, the CIA killed innocent civilians because they didn't like their names. Imagine that.

You are being a stupid moron
Funny little worthless cunt. :rofl2:



LIE and LAME. Everyone who supports Trump doesn't think he NEVER lies, we just KNOW that lying liberals cannot discern a real lie versus an opinion or rhetoric and didn't give a shit about lies for eight years of Obamunism; therefore being massive, dishonest hypocrites.

Democrats didn't do anything in the midterms than any opposition party does. Democrats lost MASSIVELY and by much larger margins during Obama's Presidency, yet, you dishonest hacks declared that was not a mandate and continued to support Obama's dishonest, partisan, divisive agenda.

The rug has been pulled out under Democratic lying and the HOAX called the Mueller Investigation.

"truthie" is always a laugh, "cannot discern a real lie versus an opinion or rhetoric," so now we got "alternative lies," real lies, opinion lies, and rhetoric lies, and some aren't as serious as others, it's just beautiful
"truthie" is always a laugh, "cannot discern a real lie versus an opinion or rhetoric," so now we got "alternative lies," real lies, opinion lies, and rhetoric lies, and some aren't as serious as others, it's just beautiful

The joke is on you Arsecheese; but low IQ weak sauce whining is about all one can expect from a dishonest partisan hack like yourself. I do wish you had a brain, really I do.