So stating a fact about a group of people is what you define as a bigot ?
If I say that the white man slaughtered the American Indian to the point of extermination, would I be bigoted against white people? They did you know.
If I said the Germans murdered 6 million Jews, would I be bigoted against the Germans....they did, you know.....
I realize I'm speaking in generalities here, thats not the point....
Of course, not all white men murdered Indians...
Of course, not all Germans murdered Jews....
Of course, not all Muslims, kill other Muslims....
so skip that line of criticism...its the way we talk, in general terms and most people understand that without making an issue of it....
One undeniable fact thats undisputed, is you're a moronic, liberal hack.
Most bigoted rhetoric IS about generalizing & stereotyping. If you do that unintentionally on the board, then I'm wrong; only you know how you feel.
I don't like it when a whole group of people gets defined by the worst few. I don't even like it when people do that with conservatives & liberals, much less religions or colors. If a skinhead does something bad, I don't say "there go those Christians again". I recognize that he/she, like the hijackers or anyone else on the extreme, only uses their religion or group for cover - they subvert it for their own agenda, which ultimately has very little, if anything, to do w/ the teachings of that religion or group...