Whenever I ask about the suffering, I get answers that everything is fantastic. There does seem to be a lot of self imposed suffering in the alt right, but there is also a lot more denial.
Nothing but lies again.

I am beginning to agree with you. Either the suffering is a lie, or the everything is going great is a lie. They both cannot be true.

The suffering of people is not solved by giving them someone else's hard earned gains. It is solved through education. Unfortunately, our leftist controlled educational establishment is no longer trying to teach, but rather, indoctrinate. You being a great example of the stupidity they graduate.

You do not like the "liberal" education, get yourself a conservative education.
Hello Frank,

The problem here is if you're trying to say the American right is the real threat to America, you're going up against Tucker Carlson.

He has a bigger audience, is more animated, and is way more convincing to racists who already believe the BS Carlson spews.

It is only logical his audience is going to dispute anything that goes against what they already want to believe.

You're hittin too close to home!

Yeah...and so is Paul Krugman...and so many, many other who realize that the real danger to America is from within...and IS FROM THE RIGHT.

Interesting to talk about it.
See. I can't agree with your 'Red State/Blue State' separation. There is no clear dividing line.
I may be going out on a limb here, but I bet Boston has it's fair share of Hillbillies, Rednecks, and Religious Quacks.

Western Massachusetts has more than its share. All blue states have rural sections that are as red as any red state and urban areas that have lots of Trump Republicans; they are just outnumbered.
Sir, exactly what grade of Jr. High were you in, when they threw you out for not shaving?

Was it your favorite 3 years of your life in the 7th grade?
Were you the first to drive to school in 3rd grade?

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Yesterday's column by Paul Krugman in the New York Times ends with:

“America was viciously attacked 20 years ago. But even then, the call that mattered was coming from inside the house. The real threat to all this nation stands for is coming not from foreign suicide bombers but from our own right wing.”

Yup. Krugman got that right!

really in one attack Muslims killed about 3000 people over a time period from 1970 to 2016 we had about 3600 people killed that leaves about 600 people over a period of 36 years and you now have to deduct more from that number lets not forget the muslim at the pluse night club or fort hood they killed a lot.

Why dont you show me a list of those killed in right wing attacks and lets compare who the real killers and murders are . heres the democrat crown jewel frank smallest towns to the very largest cities.

you need to get a grip and see the truth if tour stupid enough to think right wing groups come anywhere close and your evennfailed to talk about the 25 bombing the liberal weathermen conducted and the bombings they did in congress
You live up in Trump's ass! LOL!

That has to be a shitty outlook on life!



Yeah...and so is Paul Krugman...and so many, many other who realize that the real danger to America is from within...and IS FROM THE RIGHT.
Interesting to talk about it.

Wrong. It's the Party of the Jackass and their leftist allies that are doing that. Just look at any Democratucally controlled urban shit hole in the States and you can see the evidence. Detroit is a shining example. Under Republican control it was one of the most dazzling, fast growing cities. After decades of Democratic corruption and policies, it's a shit hole. New York City, LA and San Fran are heading there rapidly.

When you support an ideology built on lies, one that celebrates criminals and "defunds" the police, decriminalizes drug abuse and allows millions of illegals into the country, you have a recioe for disaster and destruction. Try to be less of an uneducated idiot.