The real Trump supporter will stay home!

Port Tack

Verified User
Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:
Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:

Trump's Pedo Party is imploding. Good.
Hello Port Tack,

Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:

Steadfast conviction is to be admired.

Any Republican who sincerely believes the election was stolen would be a fool to vote for anyone who refused to investigate election fraud. People of principles must stand up for what they believe in!
Hello Port Tack,

Steadfast conviction is to be admired.

Any Republican who sincerely believes the election was stolen would be a fool to vote for anyone who refused to investigate election fraud. People of principles must stand up for what they believe in!

Good point. That would take away about 40% of the republican vote, just what we need.
Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:

These must be the same people who showed-up for Perdue last year.
Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:

Don't kid yourself- The typical Trump supporter will go out and vote for a TRUMPTARD before they even take their daily shit!

Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:

staying home is a vote for real Trump supporter would vote for Abrams.......perhaps demmycrats would be stupid enough to fall for that........give it a try.....
Hello Port Tack,

Good point. That would take away about 40% of the republican vote, just what we need.

Well, it's only an American thing to do, to stand up for what a person believes in.

If it is really important that a candidate take that one certain position on that one issue, and a candidate goes the other way? People who stand up for what they believe in do not vote for that person.

Not all Trump supporters are long term Republicans. They are only in the party for the Trumpism. What Trump says carries a lot of weight. You don't punish somebody for going against Trump by electing him and handing him a powerful office. You punish them by making them see a Democrat elected if that's what it comes down to.
Georgian democrats are dumb as fuck anyway..........I think that state is the 2nd worst state to live in.

Red clay and gnats, lots of gnats, but I don’t know about second worst, can think of a dozen or more I’d rank below it

And I know I shouldn’t ask, but out of curiosity, what do you as the worst state to live in (betting one of two)
Red clay and gnats, lots of gnats, but I don’t know about second worst, can think of a dozen or more I’d rank below it

And I know I shouldn’t ask, but out of curiosity, what do you as the worst state to live in (betting one of two)

tie between louisiana and mississippi
Sounds like the lefties are worried. They should be.

Why would they be worried? Stacy Abrams narrowly lost to Kemp in the last gov election and now she is running against him again with a significant portion of trump republicans vowing to not vote for Kemp.

So why would Trumps candidate being beaten badly be something the left is worried about?
staying home is a vote for real Trump supporter would vote for Abrams.......perhaps demmycrats would be stupid enough to fall for that........give it a try.....

That is correct Trump supporters who do not vote for Kemp are almost as good as voting for Abrams and many trump supporters have vowed to NOT vote for Kemp.
Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:

Hope springs eternal. One redneck state down, 10 to 12 others to go. I wonder after the electrical grid shutdown, the shootings, the abortion laws.. when will enough be enough? I'm thinking it's now and that TX might turn blue this cycle. It may be our "sleeper cell".