The real Trump supporter will stay home!

Hope springs eternal. One redneck state down, 10 to 12 others to go. I wonder after the electrical grid shutdown, the shootings, the abortion laws.. when will enough be enough? I'm thinking it's now and that TX might turn blue this cycle. It may be our "sleeper cell".

Would be nice but I don't think so. GA is most certainly on the cusp of turning blue if not already.
That is correct Trump supporters who do not vote for Kemp are almost as good as voting for Abrams and many trump supporters have vowed to NOT vote for Kemp.

doubt it......all three of the top candidates for GA governor embraced the UltraMAGA's never going away......I predict Abrams will get around 42% of the vote this time around........shucks, I don't understand why she even wants to be governor of a state she thinks isn't fit to live in........
Yes! This is what the real Trump supporter should do this election season and not only in GA. How could they possibly vote for Kemp in GA or any of the republicans that win nomination that Trump did not support?

Georgia Republicans who despise Gov. Brian Kemp threaten to stay home this November if Trump-backed challenger David Perdue loses Tuesday's primary

And Kemp is about 20-30 pts ahead of Perdue and will kick his ass on the 24th.:good4u:


you're offering up a truly visionary platform of what dems want for the country.
IDK. What did you say? Why did you drop your military affiliation in favor of non-military or political usernames?

The only posters I have encountered who specifically referenced their military background was a poster on USMB called Gunny and our own Signal Man Ken Doll.

Aren't you a vet? This is a political site, so, most of my user names are going to be political. I decided to celebrate a couple of my promotions, and, that's as far as I take it.
The only posters I have encountered who specifically referenced their military background was a poster on USMB called Gunny and our own Signal Man Ken Doll.

Aren't you a vet? This is a political site, so, most of my user names are going to be political. I decided to celebrate a couple of my promotions, and, that's as far as I take it.

Eagle Eye, Smarterthanyou, Stone and Earl are all vets. Like you, 3 out of 4 of them don't want to talk about it much. LOL