The really horrible thing about Alzheimer's/Old Age

The single greatest horror of Alzheimer's is how it robs you of who you are and were. As we grow older, we turn to cherishing the life we lived though the memories of those we cared for while living. Friends, loved ones, children, grandchildren.

Alzheimer's robs you of all that. It also robs you of your dignity.

That is why the people who are around Joe Biden are committing a horrendous crime.

It is likely that I have never once agreed with Joe Biden and his world view. That does not change the fact that as an American, he had every right to hold those views and fight for them. He was wrong, but he had a right to be proud of who he was.

It is My belief that right now, if Joe was not in such a decline, that he would demand that the progression of his disease not be put on a world stage. He would be horrified, if he could, at his mental decline.

Joe Biden, if in a moment of mental acuity were asked if he would want to be displayed this way in front of the world, would decline to run for Office.

That those around him are pushing him to do this is criminal in My view.

back already dark stool
I see. So, what you are saying is that you have no political values, I'll refrain from comment on your ethical values until I know you better, other than you'll support anything as long as it isn't Trump.
Very shallow of you, indeed.

Anyone who constantly has #TRE45ON's Toadstool in his mouth has no room to talk about "ethics" and "values." Just sayin'. :laugh:

(Here's the part, Stevie, where you call me "dim" and an "old hag" even though I'm just a handful of years older than you. lol)
Anyone who constantly has #TRE45ON's Toadstool in his mouth has no room to talk about "ethics" and "values." Just sayin'. :laugh:

(Here's the part, Stevie, where you call me "dim" and an "old hag" even though I'm just a handful of years older than you. lol)

Who are you talking to? Did you quote the wrong person?
I see. So, what you are saying is that you have no political values,

That is NOT what I said at all. Deal with what I did say.

I'll refrain from comment on your ethical values until I know you better,

You sound like an pompous asshole, so I do not care what you do...or do not do.

other than you'll support anything as long as it isn't Trump.

Are you also going to tell me what I said about apple pie with vanilla ice cream?

Very shallow of you, indeed.
Fuck you very much for that, Mr. Wind. It has been fun speaking with you.
That is NOT what I said at all. Deal with what I did say.

You sound like an pompous asshole, so I do not care what you do...or do not do.

Are you also going to tell me what I said about apple pie with vanilla ice cream?

Fuck you very much for that, Mr. Wind. It has been fun speaking with you.
I see. Have a nice day.
I'm gonna turn 84 next week.

Yeah, there are some rough spots...but all-in-all, I'm still having an enjoyable life. Goddam coronavirus has been screwing with it a bit, but I figure I will get through this.

Why do you consider yourself being a dumbass as enjoyable?

Hopefully, you'll get it and it will put you out of your misery.
If Joe Biden actually had dementia (I don't think he does at all)...but if he did and it had progressed to what physicians might consider extreme... guess is he would still make a better president than that piece of shit now polluting the Oval Office.

My view!

I don't see a great deal about Mr Biden, but what I do suggests a reasonably competent, more-or-less standard American politician. I don't wildly care for some of the positions he holds, particularly about 'Israel', but I think the world can live with him. Mr Trump, on the other hand, brings us back to the original subject. I don't think he was ever an admirable human being, and his later behaviour demonstrates all the worst things about ageing. Traditionally, as you got older you either got gaga (in which case the family kept you quietly at home) or you began to behave better to earn respect. Not all that long since, I began a poem with the words, 'I'm older than most hills - they call me "Sir", at least partly because I noticed that people had got inclined to call me that instead of 'Mate', 'Boyo' or the like (where one of my daughters lives they call me 'Duck', at which I never quack back). It's a sort of unspoken contract - you behave yourself reasonably and never push it, they pretend you're some sort of officer-substitute. Not least of Mr Trump's mistakes is to misunderstand these fairly obvious rules: he sounds to have been a ghastly yob when young, but that was because of his disgusting father, and he's got worse and worse - so bad that he seriously suggests dementia or some other sort of breakdown. If he were just the usual moneyed scumbag one could just grin and bear it, but the bugger heads the richest capitalist state! Couldn't the unemployed be given work producing samplers saying, 'Act your Age', to be hung up all over the White House. Normal public figures move from Angry Young Man, through Crazy Fanatic through Grand Old Man (or Woman) to (if they last) National Treasure. Somebody should tell him its never too late to repent and be saved! :)