The Reason Behind Immigration.


And don't bring up any bullshit about what happened 300 years ago. We live in a totally different world. The reason behind immigration is overpopulation. Overpopulation by the incurably stupid non-White human bacteria. Humanity is around 100,000 years old. I saw a factoid once that said that if there was nothing to hinder it, in 9000 years the human population would be 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 people! That is a very large number. I'm not sure if there are that many atoms in the observable universe. Where will it end. And how.

DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.

Capitalism depends on MORE consumers.

As the Elite live on their Gated Islands, they encourage more Bluntskulls to produce MORE Consumers of their Products.
And don't bring up any bullshit about what happened 300 years ago. We live in a totally different world. The reason behind immigration is overpopulation. Overpopulation by the incurably stupid non-White human bacteria. Humanity is around 100,000 years old. I saw a factoid once that said that if there was nothing to hinder it, in 9000 years the human population would be 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 people! That is a very large number. I'm not sure if there are that many atoms in the observable universe. Where will it end. And how.

DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.


Immigration should have ended in 1492
DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.

Please back up your observation and opinion with a video showing you executing yourself to save the planet. Please include lots of blood and interesting gasps for breath as you die. This will inspire us all. lol
And don't bring up any bullshit about what happened 300 years ago. We live in a totally different world. The reason behind immigration is overpopulation. Overpopulation by the incurably stupid non-White human bacteria. Humanity is around 100,000 years old. I saw a factoid once that said that if there was nothing to hinder it, in 9000 years the human population would be 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 people! That is a very large number. I'm not sure if there are that many atoms in the observable universe. Where will it end. And how.

DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.


poor subhuman goyim, you should go suck on the barrel of a gun
Capitalism depends on MORE consumers.

As the Elite live on their Gated Islands, they encourage more Bluntskulls to produce MORE Consumers of their Products.

This is the real reason Republicans talk about limiting immigration, but never do. Capitalism is Globalist by nature.
Please back up your observation and opinion with a video showing you executing yourself to save the planet. Please include lots of blood and interesting gasps for breath as you die. This will inspire us all. lol

The funny part is it is white people always going where these other races were. They went to all these other countries and shoved their way in. The troll either doesn't get that or doesn't care since he's trolling. Americans weren't whites. If white people want to bitch and have a place for white people then they can just go colonize areas of Siberia or Antarctica
The funny part is it is white people always going where these other races were. They went to all these other countries and shoved their way in. The troll either doesn't get that or doesn't care since he's trolling. Americans weren't whites. If white people want to bitch and have a place for white people then they can just go colonize areas of Siberia or Antarctica

You're talking about a time where every race did that and concepts like human rights didn't exist.

The reason imperialism is considered wrong today is because of white people. Human rights is a Western concept.

And even without all that, white people would still deserve to have our own countries just like everyone else.
And don't bring up any bullshit about what happened 300 years ago. We live in a totally different world. The reason behind immigration is overpopulation. Overpopulation by the incurably stupid non-White human bacteria. Humanity is around 100,000 years old. I saw a factoid once that said that if there was nothing to hinder it, in 9000 years the human population would be 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 people! That is a very large number. I'm not sure if there are that many atoms in the observable universe. Where will it end. And how.

DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.


You seem like the latest reincarnation of Cultsmasher. First post a hate screed, then include a link to a book or video that reinforces the hate with falsehoods.
And don't bring up any bullshit about what happened 300 years ago. We live in a totally different world. The reason behind immigration is overpopulation. Overpopulation by the incurably stupid non-White human bacteria. Humanity is around 100,000 years old. I saw a factoid once that said that if there was nothing to hinder it, in 9000 years the human population would be 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 people! That is a very large number. I'm not sure if there are that many atoms in the observable universe. Where will it end. And how.

DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.

You should take a little ownership of this problem and set an example we should all follow by immediately killing yourself!

You go first- we're right behind you! LOL!
Capitalism depends on MORE consumers.

As the Elite live on their Gated Islands, they encourage more Bluntskulls to produce MORE Consumers of their Products.

How much are people going to consume when most of the life on earth is extinct. Also, as any intelligent person knows, capitalism is a farce. I have a couple documentaries to suggest to you. The first is called "The Corporation." It is a little long. About two hours. But it makes some very good points. The second is "Capitalism: A love story." Though I don't agree with absolutely everything in it, it makes some very good points. Though on that point, I have yet another documentary to suggest to you by Michael Moore that is a little better. It is called, "Where to invade." In that one, you find out just how fucked up the ass the American public is. Which I blame on our multiethnic society. Though of course, Michael Moore wouldn't.
Well, end of September means 3rd Quarter Statements come out. We'll all find out how our Portfolios are doing and if we have the right asset mix. Cha-ching ... cha-ching. Consumers buying shit, cash registers opening and closing, every buy means we all get a piece of the Action.

How much are people going to consume when most of the life on earth is extinct. Also, as any intelligent person knows, capitalism is a farce. I have a couple documentaries to suggest to you. The first is called "The Corporation." It is a little long. About two hours. But it makes some very good points. The second is "Capitalism: A love story." Though I don't agree with absolutely everything in it, it makes some very good points. Though on that point, I have yet another documentary to suggest to you by Michael Moore that is a little better. It is called, "Where to invade." In that one, you find out just how fucked up the ass the American public is. Which I blame on our multiethnic society. Though of course, Michael Moore wouldn't.
Please back up your observation and opinion with a video showing you executing yourself to save the planet. Please include lots of blood and interesting gasps for breath as you die. This will inspire us all. lol

You're not an owl woman. You're a vulture woman. Tell me you stupid cunt. You don't think that overpopulation is a problem? Every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. That is like every single day plopping the population of Richmond Va or Boise ID onto the surface of the planet. Do you think that can just go on forever? But the population levels of White people aren't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. Also, how many White people are sneaking into mexico. Or how many White Europeans are sneaking into Africa or the Middle East. Another point is that in some of the African and Middle East countries, more than 60% of the population is under 30. A prime breeding age. Also, only about 1 out of 10 people on this planet is White. And considering the non-whites who call themselves white, it is probably less than 1%. And no doubt you think it is despicable for White people to want a little piece of the earth for ourselves. Do me a favor and quit replying to my threads. I have no time for the stupid.
poor subhuman goyim, you should go suck on the barrel of a gun

How about you suck on a baby's cock. After all, it is ok amongst YOUR subhuman garbage types of people. But for everybody else who thinks this accusation of just how low some "people" can go is untrue, I will also include pictures to show it happening.

jews sucking baby penis.jpg jews sycking baby penis 2.jpg
This is the real reason Republicans talk about limiting immigration, but never do. Capitalism is Globalist by nature.

Capitalism wasn't always so globalist. The Clinton administration made it so. Just as Ross Perot predicted when he was running against Bill Cliton, if he had his way, a huge sucking sound would be heard as jobs left America. And that's just what happened.
The funny part is it is white people always going where these other races were. They went to all these other countries and shoved their way in. The troll either doesn't get that or doesn't care since he's trolling. Americans weren't whites. If white people want to bitch and have a place for white people then they can just go colonize areas of Siberia or Antarctica

Oh gee! White people were advanced enough to sail around the world. How terrible! But your bullshit aside, consider what I said to ThatVultureWoman. How many White people do you see sneaking into mexico. Or how many White Europeans do you see sneaking into Africa or the Middle East. That is all you need to know.
You seem like the latest reincarnation of Cultsmasher. First post a hate screed, then include a link to a book or video that reinforces the hate with falsehoods.

Do you know how I spot a stupid person? They aren't interested in facts. If you look into a mirror, you will see such a person. That is if your ugliness doesn't shatter the mirror.
You should take a little ownership of this problem and set an example we should all follow by immediately killing yourself!

You go first- we're right behind you! LOL!

White people aren't the ones contributing to the population explosion. For supporting those who ARE responsible, you would be doing everybody a huge favor by killing yourself. As for me myself personally, I don't have any children at all. (That I'm aware of) Why would I want to bring any children into a world with filthy traitors like you. (Assuming you're White)