The Reason Behind Immigration.

Capitalism wasn't always so globalist. The Clinton administration made it so. Just as Ross Perot predicted when he was running against Bill Cliton, if he had his way, a huge sucking sound would be heard as jobs left America. And that's just what happened.

It was like that before Bill Clinton. Look at Ronald Reagan. His administration was extremely Globalist.
Do you know how I spot a stupid person? They aren't interested in facts. If you look into a mirror, you will see such a person. That is if your ugliness doesn't shatter the mirror.

I looked at your video. The analogy between mice and immigration is stupid and worthless. Only a complete idiot would think it's a depiction of facts. You took a page right out of the Nazi playbook. Julius Streicher would be proud of you.

It was like that before Bill Clinton. Look at Ronald Reagan. His administration was extremely Globalist.

Every industrialized country is globalist to some degree. What the difference is to what degree a government is willing to shit on its own people. And for the Clinton administration, they were willing to take a huge shit on the American people. Causing that huge sucking sound Ross Perot talked about as jobs left the U.S. It was the Clinton administration that signed both NAFTA and GATT into law.
Every industrialized country is globalist to some degree. What the difference is to what degree a government is willing to shit on its own people. And for the Clinton administration, they were willing to take a huge shit on the American people. Causing that huge sucking sound Ross Perot talked about as jobs left the U.S. It was the Clinton administration that signed both NAFTA and GATT into law.

There is being Globalist to a degree, then there is giving amnesty to illegal non-white immigrants and expanding out-sourcing. Reagan did that.
I'm not saying Clinton wasn't bad, just that Globalism was around in dangerous amounts before him.
I looked at your video. The analogy between mice and immigration is stupid and worthless. Only a complete idiot would think it's a depiction of facts. You took a page right out of the Nazi playbook. Julius Streicher would be proud of you.

Are you completely retarded or something? What's next. You going to tell me that human caused global warming isn't real? Overpopulation is a FACT. Next, the picture of a mouse plague is factual enough. Look it up for yourself. And it is indeed a good analogy for what is going on with non-whites. Just how many people do you think there needs to be to agree. Next, the cult you follow has made you just about the most evil, vile and self centered scumbag imaginable. You would have to be jewish to top the list.

Where do you think overpopulation will lead. For the mice I showed, I can tell you where it lead. It lead to a devastated landscape, mass slow and agonizing death from starvation and a lot of cannibalism. It will end the same way with humans. I assure you. But you apparently follow a doomsday cult. Whatever happens doesn't really matter. As long as it happens to someone else. Tell me. Am I right or am I right.

As for your cartoon, what makes you think it is real. The holocaust was supposedly real. But in fact, it was a pile of bullshit. Here's another thing. Those mice in the picture are apparently jewish mice. Do you know what jews are? Semites. And apart from the overpopulating niggers from Africa flooding into Europe, who are all those invaders flooding into Europe from the Middle East? SEMITES! So in that regard, your cartoon is right on the fucking mark. Isn't it.


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And don't bring up any bullshit about what happened 300 years ago. We live in a totally different world. The reason behind immigration is overpopulation. Overpopulation by the incurably stupid non-White human bacteria. Humanity is around 100,000 years old. I saw a factoid once that said that if there was nothing to hinder it, in 9000 years the human population would be 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 people! That is a very large number. I'm not sure if there are that many atoms in the observable universe. Where will it end. And how.

DEATH is the only cure!!! Through impalement, poison gas or anything else that will work. I will give you a short video that is an excellent metaphor for what is going on. I can't wait for the complete morons, jews or those suffering from affluenza to disagree with any of this.

& you brought an answer, surprise :rolleyes:

Why is "the solution" always ppl like you killing others??
Rather than say, just for the hell of it, others killing ppl like you??
Thoughts?? :)
& you brought an answer, surprise :rolleyes:

Why is "the solution" always ppl like you killing others??
Rather than say, just for the hell of it, others killing ppl like you??
Thoughts?? :)

Just ignore him, it's obvious who he is from some things he has said.
Just ignore him, it's obvious who he is from some things he has said.

I'll tell you what is really obvious. Which is the most important thing. That being that I am RIGHT!!! Especially what I said in post # 25. How does that make you feel. Inferior? Stupid? Part of the problem? Just a sheeple following the herd? Why don't you try to justify yourself. Just as a member of the mafia would justify their criminal behavior. So I could try to bring even more reality into your brainwashed cult muddled mind. As for who you think I am, go ahead and speak it. Though I will neither confirm or deny it.
The funny part is it is white people always going where these other races were. They went to all these other countries and shoved their way in. The troll either doesn't get that or doesn't care since he's trolling. Americans weren't whites. If white people want to bitch and have a place for white people then they can just go colonize areas of Siberia or Antarctica
The OP 'doesn't want to hear about 300 years ago'. You know...just before we invaded Mexico and decided to take their land. I view immigration from south of the border as nothing more than Mexico moving back into their old digs.