The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

I don't understand, and I think you misunderstand what I've said as well. Adam (or you) can't really articulate specific things you oppose in Palin. All you can say is the same tired rehash... she isn't smart enough... she isn't sophisticated enough... I don't like her policy positions... but you won't say WHICH policy positions! You're not really telling us why you oppose Palin, just that you do.

Did he make his position clear? I certainly don't see where he made the case for his position, although I guess you can say he DID make it clear. I'm not questioning whether or not you guys like Palin, it's obvious you don't, I'm asking you to present specifics on WHY you don't, and I am not hearing them! I keep hearing these empty meaningless terms, or unreasonable expectations and demands which neither Palin, or anyone else, could ever satisfy. What that keeps telling me is, there is something else about Palin, something you don't want to admit to the rest of us. Hmmm.... wonder what THAT could be?

So unless I give you specific policy positions its sexism? I listen to her rhetoric the same as I listen to every other politicians rhetoric so unless I give you SPECIFIC policy examples of why I hate most politicians I should love them or its sexist? WTF Dixie?

Do you want to list all the reasons you don't like Romney, Huckabee, McCain or any other Republican contender if you back Palin so much?

But please save your liberal bullshit that its sexist. My god.
So unless I give you specific policy positions its sexism? I listen to her rhetoric the same as I listen to every other politicians rhetoric so unless I give you SPECIFIC policy examples of why I hate most politicians I should love them or its sexist? WTF Dixie?

Do you want to list all the reasons you don't like Romney, Huckabee, McCain or any other Republican contender if you back Palin so much?

But please save your liberal bullshit that its sexist. My god.

That's not what he was saying.

Tell me, you listened to her rhetoric, but have not checked out her political record? Is that true?
I didn't see Adam saying anything in support of Obama. I saw the argument regarding Palin as coming from within the GOP. Because people are pissed at Obama does that mean Palin is the best GOP candidate?

Never said she was.

I will talk about Obama and inject him anywhere I like. 8 years we put up with Bush being injected in every sin, natural and unnatural catastrophe, and bad situation practically back to the Garden of Eden.

I will make sure to check with you from time to time, so you can remind me of posting etiquette. I say service to another human being is a good thing and if making you happy and fulfilled with what I say does it, then I am here to serve you....

So unless I give you specific policy positions its sexism? I listen to her rhetoric the same as I listen to every other politicians rhetoric so unless I give you SPECIFIC policy examples of why I hate most politicians I should love them or its sexist? WTF Dixie?

Do you want to list all the reasons you don't like Romney, Huckabee, McCain or any other Republican contender if you back Palin so much?

But please save your liberal bullshit that its sexist. My god.

You don't have to give ME anything, I am not making any demand. I am merely pointing out how you've not given any real substantive reasoning for your dislike of Palin, and how that is often indicative of some sort of underlying prejudice. I can't help that is the truth, it just is! You can be offended by the truth if you like, I am just the messenger of it here.

I can tell you specifically why I oppose Obama, I can cite specific policies and 'visions' that I am opposed to, that I disagree with him on substantively. If I couldn't do this, and all I could say about Obama was... He's not very bright.... He's not very sophisticated... I don't like how he speaks... You would presume my opposition to Obama might be racist, wouldn't you? I mean, wouldn't that be a reasonable presumption in the absence of any substantive complaint I have for Obama's policies?

The same thing applies here, if you can't present reasonable issues you disagree with Palin on, and why you don't like her... we have to presume you have an ulterior motive for your dislike! That is reasonable! I am sorry that is the case, I wish I could tell you that people can give you a pass and let you hide behind empty rhetoric to support your bigotry, but that isn't reality.
Never said she was.

I will talk about Obama and inject him anywhere I like. 8 years we put up with Bush being injected in every sin, natural and unnatural catastrophe, and bad situation practically back to the Garden of Eden.

I will make sure to check with you from time to time, so you can remind me of posting etiquette. I say service to another human being is a good thing and if making you happy and fulfilled with what I say does it, then I am here to serve you....


I'm sorry you took my post so personally. It was not written with that intent. I was strictly commenting on what we had been discussing not trying to make a personal attack.
You don't have to give ME anything, I am not making any demand. I am merely pointing out how you've not given any real substantive reasoning for your dislike of Palin, and how that is often indicative of some sort of underlying prejudice. I can't help that is the truth, it just is! You can be offended by the truth if you like, I am just the messenger of it here.

I can tell you specifically why I oppose Obama, I can cite specific policies and 'visions' that I am opposed to, that I disagree with him on substantively. If I couldn't do this, and all I could say about Obama was... He's not very bright.... He's not very sophisticated... I don't like how he speaks... You would presume my opposition to Obama might be racist, wouldn't you? I mean, wouldn't that be a reasonable presumption in the absence of any substantive complaint I have for Obama's policies?

The same thing applies here, if you can't present reasonable issues you disagree with Palin on, and why you don't like her... we have to presume you have an ulterior motive for your dislike! That is reasonable! I am sorry that is the case, I wish I could tell you that people can give you a pass and let you hide behind empty rhetoric to support your bigotry, but that isn't reality.

I already said I like Palin I just don't love her. I don't love or am not a big fan of any GOP politician right now. So if you want to label me sexist, racist and a human being hater because of that then that is your option.

I already stated to me she comes across with too much populist rhetoric. Yeah it works on the base but the party is bigger than that. And I'm not into all this social issue crap. Terry Shiavo crap. Fuck that.

I had real high hopes for George W. back in 2000 and invested a lot emotionally in him. I will never make that mistake again. So I'm sorry that you feel because I'm not out screaming I love Palin at the top of my lungs at the start of 2010 that I'm sexist. It's your opinion man and you're entitled to it.
That's not what he was saying.

Tell me, you listened to her rhetoric, but have not checked out her political record? Is that true?

Yeah I read her record when she was Govenor. I can't quote you every stat off the top of my head because I don't care enough to know it. Some of the stuff she did I liked. Other stuff I question.

She seems to have a cult around her in a way that's almost like Obama where if you say anything not greatly positive about the woman it's like you are attacking someone personally and there is something wrong with you.

I expect that out of Democrats. I don't like seeing it out of Republicans.
When ever I run into a no talent liberal that does not like Palin, they can never tell me exactly why with any substance. Most of them say--She is stupid or not ready after uber progressive Currik and Charlie "the principal" Wilson offensive interviews. Thos interviews and Sat night live seem to be all they really know about her---after 13 or so ethics charges all were found false. They don't know why Sarah Palin had the biggest approval rating of any state in the union--if they know that fact. They don't know she tore down a fat cat Republican that was corrupt---from her own party--and she left as a Independant. Have you ever seen anybody tear down corruption from the inside (not exposed to the public before tearing down the corruption) in their own party? That is a good trait---since corruption is a huge problem in both parties (not that you fine core valued progressive folks would recognize corruption). They don't know that she put together a cracker jack team to build a gas pipe line---until the EPA and others blocked the construction with a obstickle course. Most would not know why she was very successful in Alaska, unless they actually lives there and experienced her representation of them.

OK--that is the majority of the people (and many here) that do not like her.

Why does most of the media, the Dem party and the elites in the Rep party not like her?

The reason is simple--but not taught in your university. She is not part of the progrerssive/Washington elite. They know she can not be bought off (unless she makes one mistake--she will not make it again), and that she does not share their progressive worldy views of a world of cheap labor and little opportuity for the unwashed working class--the people who built the USA--and can do it again if not leashed.

They know she has the ability to excite a lot of people--the min McShame picked her, and it only took minutes after her excellent acceptance speech to find things to elaborate on---or lie about--to try to destroy her ASAP.

It did not work. There are too many people that are wise enough to give a real citizen with a excellent track record who represent the people who vote for her like no other--a shot of leadership. These people are smart enough to know that Palin is not a wild spender of our money, as she actually bought her clothes at the same stores anybody else in Alaska went to. These people are smart enough to realize that the progressive media was very desperate to make the clothes the GOP bought her (which I think went to charity) was needed---because this tough American lady, who will win at anything she does---simply did not have a wardrobe for a suprise national campaign.

You guys can stick with the over spenders of your money, the people who want to force you to buy health care--or go to jailwhile the people you support have much better health care--on your bill-- the people who you can't trust--if there is enough of your kids money offered to them as a bribe, the people who say one thing to you--and do another, because they have no integrity, the people who probably druged up or drunk in Congress making decisions that effect the rest of your life.

No thanks--Palin has my vote anytime she asks for it. And she is as tough as John Wayne and Clint Eastwood together---yea---if you want to communize the USA--you better be scared--and you are. You just don't know how Palin is going to paly the game---do you? She will not play your game--so you have to guess, which looks a lot more desperate--since she is just a private citizen now---who sold a shit load of books.

I think McCain is a progressive dope (to a lesser degree than say--Sol Alinski or obama)--but he did the USA a huge favor when he putPalin in the spot light. She just needs a bit more confidance so she does not choke during tough questions (which obama never got--they had a list of what not to talk about)---then--she will help a great deal to try to preserve the fundamentals of the best nation in the world. That is the USA--if you did not know.

You need to get out more and talk to a wider group of people. Palin put her stuff out in the public spotlight for all to see. What the public saw was a hypocrit who bailed on her elected responsibilities, who preached the right wingnut talking points about sex even though her own daughter proved old Sarah wasn't personally that adept at conveying such to her daughter. Her abysmal performance in interviews during the 2008 race was a joke, and her whining that the EPA wouldn't endorse the moronic "drill baby drill" attitude is just that, whining.

Personally, I hope to hell the "new and improved" Sarah is a GOP candidate in the future, because all the propaganda FOX will spew forth and all the teabagger and birther rallies won't erase people's memories...nor will they keep investigative reporters from cutting through her smokescreen.

Oh, and the majority does did so in the 2008 elections. Deal with it.
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I already said I like Palin I just don't love her. I don't love or am not a big fan of any GOP politician right now. So if you want to label me sexist, racist and a human being hater because of that then that is your option.

I already stated to me she comes across with too much populist rhetoric. Yeah it works on the base but the party is bigger than that. And I'm not into all this social issue crap. Terry Shiavo crap. Fuck that.

I had real high hopes for George W. back in 2000 and invested a lot emotionally in him. I will never make that mistake again. So I'm sorry that you feel because I'm not out screaming I love Palin at the top of my lungs at the start of 2010 that I'm sexist. It's your opinion man and you're entitled to it.

I didn't call you sexist, I just made an observation.

You say you dislike how she comes across with too much "populist rhetoric" but what do you mean by that? You mean when she gets cheers for saying that government is too often the problem, not the solution??? When she gets standing ovations for saying we need to return to core conservative values? ...And you think the GOP could muster some sort of "grass roots" movement without all of this kind of 'populist rhetoric' talk, huh? We don't have to be flashy with our message to people, we just need to ditch social conservatives and become hedonistic like the left, and THAT will win us votes! ...yeah, it sounds like a plan alright!

Furthermore, it sounds like you are now blaming your dislike of Palin on your anger toward the Republican party in general. You don't like Palin because she is Republican, and you're mad at them right now! That's mature! What you need to come to the realization and reality of, is what is happening before your very eyes today... because people like you will sit and stew on election day, we have a real live Socialist Liberal regime in power now! There are TWO political powers in America, and you support ONE of them, whether you vote or not!
Yeah I read her record when she was Govenor. I can't quote you every stat off the top of my head because I don't care enough to know it. Some of the stuff she did I liked. Other stuff I question.

She seems to have a cult around her in a way that's almost like Obama where if you say anything not greatly positive about the woman it's like you are attacking someone personally and there is something wrong with you.

I expect that out of Democrats. I don't like seeing it out of Republicans.

So you don't like Palin because she seems to be popular? Is THAT what I am hearing?

No one is attacking you, I am only asking you to articulate specifics with regard to what you "dislike" about Palin, and you are struggling with that! I know it must be embarrassing to be caught like that, but hey... you are the one who can't seem to find anything of substance to oppose. Even here, you fail to mention what specifics you dislike about Palin's record in Alaska.... just that you like some things and questioned others... which ones? Tell us specifically what you don't like! That's all I am asking here! No attack, no calling you names, just a straight up honest question, and you can't really answer me.
So you don't like Palin because she seems to be popular? Is THAT what I am hearing?

No one is attacking you, I am only asking you to articulate specifics with regard to what you "dislike" about Palin, and you are struggling with that! I know it must be embarrassing to be caught like that, but hey... you are the one who can't seem to find anything of substance to oppose. Even here, you fail to mention what specifics you dislike about Palin's record in Alaska.... just that you like some things and questioned others... which ones? Tell us specifically what you don't like! That's all I am asking here! No attack, no calling you names, just a straight up honest question, and you can't really answer me.

Yeah I do have a problem with the Republican Party, its performance. I'm a Republican. I'm not going to vote Democrat but I also don't have to sit here and blow smoke up the Republicans ass. And while I'd rather have Republicans in power if they perform like they did under Bush there's not a lot of point to it. So yeah, Palin is a Republican just like the rest so no I'm not kissing her ass either.

There was plenty of talk during the campaign about guns, gays and abortion. Lovely, I know her positions there. She comes from a state with no income or sales tax. How deep is her economic record? How well does she understand free trade and other economic issues? How much has she written or spoke about those issues?

You guys love her in my opinion because of her social conservatism. I don't really care about all that. It's nice and all but not at the top of the charts.
Dixie, why (assuming you do) do you feel Palin is the better candidate than Romney or Jindal or any other Republican?
Yeah I do have a problem with the Republican Party, its performance. I'm a Republican. I'm not going to vote Democrat but I also don't have to sit here and blow smoke up the Republicans ass. And while I'd rather have Republicans in power if they perform like they did under Bush there's not a lot of point to it. So yeah, Palin is a Republican just like the rest so no I'm not kissing her ass either.

No one has asked you to kiss her ass! This thread is about what you dislike about Palin.... if that amounts to you not liking her because she is a Republican, well... that's fine. Just so long as we understand the rest of your rhetoric is based on your dislike of Palin because she is Republican.

There was plenty of talk during the campaign about guns, gays and abortion. Lovely, I know her positions there.

Actually, there was very little talk of this during the campaign. Howard Dean mentioned it, is that what you mean? Seems like the focus on the last election was whether McCain would be another Bush, or whether Obama had the experience to lead the nation. Obama didn't oppose the 2nd Amendment, he didn't even support same-sex marriage, and abortion has always been split between left and right. None of these were issue in the election!

She comes from a state with no income or sales tax. How deep is her economic record? How well does she understand free trade and other economic issues? How much has she written or spoke about those issues?

Well, she has done more than write about them, she presided over the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, cleaned up corruption and inefficiencies in the organization, and eventually was elected governor and delivered Alaskan residents a $6 billion surplus while slashing the budget by 30% I think she knows a little about economic issues, in spite of her good looks!

You guys love her in my opinion because of her social conservatism. I don't really care about all that. It's nice and all but not at the top of the charts.

Here's what you need to get through your thick head... You and all other "moderate" or "non-social" conservative types.... Conservatism FAILS if it does not contain a social conservative element. The social conservative issues are at the very foundation and root of the Conservative movement, and without them, conservatism is easily exposed as cold capitalist greed by the left. Without the "religious" principles surrounding social conservative issues, you can NOT make the case that we are "endowed rights by our Creator" because you have sacrificed that notion in your abandonment of social conservatism, and this means that yes... MAN can endow our rights through the courts! Your entire foundation of Conservatism has crumbled! Fiscal conservatism without social conservatism is just as useless as social conservatism with no fiscal conservatism, as we saw under George W. Bush. It is when Republicans find the nexus between social conservative mainstream values AND the fiscal conservative principles, we have something that can compete with the mindless policies of the left. Sulking in your room because Republicans don't want to abandon their foundational social conservative principles, is just plain idiotic and self-defeating, if you are truly a conservative.

All this said, I haven't heard Sarah Palin advocating for us to all go to church and read the Bible! I don't hear her claiming she wants to ban homosexuality, or abolish all abortions! I am not hearing this "extreme" right wing social conservatism out of Palin at all! In fact, her position on much of this, is the same as mine... She favors STATES RIGHTS.... She thinks these issues should be left up to THE PEOPLE who live in the states, and THEY should decide them for themselves. ....Are you opposed to that position too???
Dixie, why (assuming you do) do you feel Palin is the better candidate than Romney or Jindal or any other Republican?

To be honest, I don't. I haven't heard anything from any of them, as far as policy platforms, because none of them are running for president yet. I just keep hearing this 'blowback' on Palin, from people who are supposedly conservative, but they always fail to articulate specifics, and I think that was the point of this thread and what the thread author was trying to say.

We all know why the left dislikes Palin, she is a living breathing Republican! No other reason needed for them! It's those of you who claim to be on the right, claim to be conservatives, but you're "not sold" on Palin.... in fact, you are quite critical of her, and you can't really articulate why... that is interesting to me, because it is usually a sign of something being hidden and not revealed.
No one has asked you to kiss her ass! This thread is about what you dislike about Palin.... if that amounts to you not liking her because she is a Republican, well... that's fine. Just so long as we understand the rest of your rhetoric is based on your dislike of Palin because she is Republican.

Actually, there was very little talk of this during the campaign. Howard Dean mentioned it, is that what you mean? Seems like the focus on the last election was whether McCain would be another Bush, or whether Obama had the experience to lead the nation. Obama didn't oppose the 2nd Amendment, he didn't even support same-sex marriage, and abortion has always been split between left and right. None of these were issue in the election!

Well, she has done more than write about them, she presided over the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, cleaned up corruption and inefficiencies in the organization, and eventually was elected governor and delivered Alaskan residents a $6 billion surplus while slashing the budget by 30% I think she knows a little about economic issues, in spite of her good looks!

Here's what you need to get through your thick head... You and all other "moderate" or "non-social" conservative types.... Conservatism FAILS if it does not contain a social conservative element. The social conservative issues are at the very foundation and root of the Conservative movement, and without them, conservatism is easily exposed as cold capitalist greed by the left. Without the "religious" principles surrounding social conservative issues, you can NOT make the case that we are "endowed rights by our Creator" because you have sacrificed that notion in your abandonment of social conservatism, and this means that yes... MAN can endow our rights through the courts! Your entire foundation of Conservatism has crumbled! Fiscal conservatism without social conservatism is just as useless as social conservatism with no fiscal conservatism, as we saw under George W. Bush. It is when Republicans find the nexus between social conservative mainstream values AND the fiscal conservative principles, we have something that can compete with the mindless policies of the left. Sulking in your room because Republicans don't want to abandon their foundational social conservative principles, is just plain idiotic and self-defeating, if you are truly a conservative.

All this said, I haven't heard Sarah Palin advocating for us to all go to church and read the Bible! I don't hear her claiming she wants to ban homosexuality, or abolish all abortions! I am not hearing this "extreme" right wing social conservatism out of Palin at all! In fact, her position on much of this, is the same as mine... She favors STATES RIGHTS.... She thinks these issues should be left up to THE PEOPLE who live in the states, and THEY should decide them for themselves. ....Are you opposed to that position too???

I never said I disliked Palin. First of all I think she is hot as hell so I can't dislike her on that basis alone. I just didn't mention it because that would be "sexist".

Why do you think she's better than Romney, Jindal or any other Republican?
And Dixie just read this board for example. Any Palin comments that aren't positive make some people here go damn near apolyptic (sp). Like the woman is above reproach. Outside of God and I used to think Pete Carroll no one is above reproach.
And Dixie just read this board for example. Any Palin comments that aren't positive make some people here go damn near apolyptic (sp). Like the woman is above reproach. Outside of God and I used to think Pete Carroll no one is above reproach.

Well, it's because you are not giving specifics on WHY you dislike her! It's not about her being 'above reproach' at all.... it's about trashing and bashing her for no apparent reason other than you think it's cool or something! I just pointed out, when you can't articulate a basis for why you dislike someone, people presume you are hiding some underlying prejudice. Maybe I am the only one who understands this, because I am not a prejudiced person, but when I genuinely dislike someone, I can always give you the specific reasons.
I never said I disliked Palin. First of all I think she is hot as hell so I can't dislike her on that basis alone. I just didn't mention it because that would be "sexist".

Why do you think she's better than Romney, Jindal or any other Republican?

Again, I don't think she's "better" than anyone, I don't know! They will all have to announce their candidacy and make some stump speeches before I can decide who I will ultimately support. My mind can change too, I may think one person is best, but they drop out of the primaries and we end up with someone else on the ticket... a lot of things can happen between now and November of 2012, and I don't want to lock myself into a commitment at this time.

Because I won't let you and Adam sit here and tee off on Palin with impunity, not really giving good reason for it, doesn't mean I am endorsing Palin!
Well, it's because you are not giving specifics on WHY you dislike her! It's not about her being 'above reproach' at all.... it's about trashing and bashing her for no apparent reason other than you think it's cool or something! I just pointed out, when you can't articulate a basis for why you dislike someone, people presume you are hiding some underlying prejudice. Maybe I am the only one who understands this, because I am not a prejudiced person, but when I genuinely dislike someone, I can always give you the specific reasons.

Maybe because I never said I disliked her. Go back to my first post about her. I said I liked her I don't love her. Maybe she is developing an Ayn Rand like cult (and I love Ayn Rand) where you must almost worship her or it is considered unacceptable?

Why is she better than Romney, Jindal or any other Republican candidate?
And Adam said he wants an intellectual running. That's not the crowd Palin is gunning for nor do I think she would claim she's an intellectual herself. Because one is a Republican does not mean we all want the exact same thing and it doesn't make Adam wrong for wanting it nor is it a personal attack on people who support Palin.

Again I don't know how she developed this Ayn Rand like following.