The religion of The Left; Secular Fundamentalism

Domer doesn't want to answer my question, since his answer will prove you right. Why are liberals so dishonest about their agenda?

they think we're stupid. and that the ends justify the means, that power is all that matters etc...moral relativist nihilism. the ultimate death meme.

it is literally a battle between spiritual good and evil, according to some interpretations of spirit.
they think we're stupid. and that the ends justify the means, that power is all that matters etc...moral relativist nihilism. the ultimate death meme.

it is literally a battle between spiritual good and evil, according to some interpretations of spirit.

They are no different than radical Islamists.
Homosexuality, eating shellfish or pork, and many other things have reason far beyond some people find it reprehensible. You never see rightists bitch about straight people having anal sex but it carries the same Biblically. You didn't do things because they weren't safe. Some still aren't today. These rulings and ideas were supposed to be to protect people not used as a tool to judge people. These days many wannabe Christians look at these people that similarly do these things to the leapers back when. Do you people never learn from Christ, proverbs, and the behaviors that are supposed to be the very foundation of a follower of Christ?
Homosexuality, eating shellfish or pork, and many other things have reason far beyond some people find it reprehensible. You never see rightists bitch about straight people having anal sex but it carries the same Biblically. You didn't do things because they weren't safe. Some still aren't today. These rulings and ideas were supposed to be to protect people not used as a tool to judge people. These days many wannabe Christians look at these people that similarly do these things to the leapers back when. Do you people never learn from Christ, proverbs, and the behaviors that are supposed to be the very foundation of a follower of Christ?

when was the last a rightist was bitching about gays?
I destroyed your position so easily, so you resort to this:

Predicted by the OP:



The OP is a stalker. I own you, cunt.

Friend dead yet?

Laughable puppy dogs that chase you all over the forum just to groan. A very bizarre obsession. I enjoy the fact how easy it was to get under their pussified skins.

Dark Stool, ass pounder
RB60, the fucking moron
Sailor, the HS dropout.
Vagina Moon, the limey liar
Yogurt, the doper
Shitsalot, the rapist

What a fucking motley crew!

'homosexuals are an abomination'. I think that's in the Bible. So, 'religious morality' ISN'T based on reason, is it.
Actually, that one is based on reason. Homosexuals don't produce more fodder for endless wars, thus is an abomination.

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Only 150? Prove it.

I can only post something like 15 at a time. You stalkers have have page after page after page, cunt.

I own you pathetic cunts!

Laughable puppy dogs that chase you all over the forum just to groan. A very bizarre obsession. I enjoy the fact how easy it was to get under their pussified skins.

Dark Stool, ass pounder
RB60, the fucking moron
Sailor, the HS dropout.
Vagina Moon, the limey liar
Yogurt, the doper
Shitsalot, the rapist

What a fucking motley crew!
