The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Lol... CO2 still rising... temps flatlining. Computer models breaking down. Only the government 'scientists' (aka lackies) are clinging to the man made global warming myth.

The data doesn't lie. The models were wrong. No matter how much you global warming fear mongering denialists proclaim 'consensus', the data doesn't lie

You can't fool mother nature...
poet I don't hold hatred in my heart for you. I do find you incredibly annoying, short sighted, arrogant, and quarrelsome. And I doubt I'll ever get along with you. But I have no true ill feelings. So it goes, there are some people in life that just aren't compatible with each other. Just the way it is.

I'm so glad you're in such touch with your feelings. I feel better. Personally, I feel nothing. I group you in with the rest. If you came correct, I'd feel differently, because there was no need to do otherwise. Since you didn't, and dug your heels in, I'm over it. I have so moved on, it isn't funny.