the Republican party cant win without racists votes

to save this country the republican party has to commit suicide by heaving the racists

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I suppose the blanket statement is somewhat true, and certainly more racists are gravitating toward Trump. But I think we're avoiding the issue if we try to make it all about party.

It's an American issue. And it's a big American issue, that's getting worse. The more we hate & draw lines, the worse it's getting.

... but doing nothing does nothing.

We have to take on and target the most visible racist organization in America, the Republican Party.
... but doing nothing does nothing.

We have to take on and target the most visible racist organization in America, the Republican Party.
That is just plain stupid. You racists called Rice and Powell all sorts of names and anytime a black person is appointed or voted in, you racists claim they are mere tokens.

You guys keep racism alive more than the GOP.
That is just plain stupid. You racists called Rice and Powell all sorts of names and anytime a black person is appointed or voted in, you racists claim they are mere tokens.

You guys keep racism alive more than the GOP.

The race hustlers have sucked all the life from the issue. People like BAC are hate filled bigots themselves. When BAC, and others like him, ignore the Soros money, and racist cop killing haters that infiltrated and took over BLM for their own agenda- they have become the problem.

Hate is hate.

But it has been so for decades

Let’s remember Nixon was caught cheating in an election

That is what watergate was

A break in to a dem office to STEAL DEM VOTER INFORMATION
That is just plain stupid. You racists called Rice and Powell all sorts of names and anytime a black person is appointed or voted in, you racists claim they are mere tokens.

You guys keep racism alive more than the GOP.

Powell says he voted for Obama. Rice is more anti-trump than many Democrats.

There is always Herman Cain, a black man who definitely supports trump, and the direction the Republican Party is going... But he is dead because he went to a trump rally and got Covid-19.