The Revival

"People around the world’s and especially in America are getting sick of the woke movement"

I had to see Tink's post in a quote, because since the Eagle-Eye exchange,
I also had to re-instate my ignore list, obviously.

People in America as a group aren't getting sick of anything because there's no American consensus on anything.

Conservatives live in a vacuum, never seem to visit the great urban cultural centers of our nation,
and thus don't know that there are at least as many people or more who think altogether differently than they do.

Andy, Opie, and Aunt [unfortunately pronounced "ant"] Bea are not the whole nation.
In fact, the Reds are wrong on 3 huge issues, abortion, the environment, and guns. They cannot walk away from them, so they will have to take the whipping they will give to the Reds. You have to be in a conservative foxhole to think those are winning issues.
In fact, the Reds are wrong on 3 huge issues, abortion, the environment, and guns.
They cannot walk away from them, so they will have to take the whipping they will give to the Reds. You have to be in a conservative foxhole to think those are winning issues.

The only fly in the ointment is our constitution with its federal system and electoral college.
It gives them [the right] more political power than their numbers warrant.
That's part of the reason that they imagine themselves to be the majority.
Linguistics changes all the time

Woke refers to people that claim to be social justice warriors but who actually use intimidation tactics to achieve their goals

Does that intimidation include the seditious conspiracy to attack the nation's Capitol and blocking the constitutional process of choosing the president?
Define “woke,” not some dictionary copy and paste, but on your own, define woke

DeSantis can’t do it, and betting you can’t either, but it won’t stop you nor him from pimping the word

Fucking liar.

I have provided YOU the definition a half-dozen times. You ignore it an keep mindlessly bleating the hating points that substitute for thought with you.

Woke: From urban vernacular - pidgin English for "awakened," with the term I be Woke, or I is Woke. Initially used in the mid-Obama era to reference those who are no longer "fooled" by societal norms and reject American culture becoming aware that society is not as presented.

This quickly devolved into a statement of fealty to Marxist social warfare. Particularly in regard to BLM and Transsexualism. A major part of the Woke Anti-Culture movement is anti-white racism. The 1619 project and various anti-white initiatives fit into the Woke paradigm. Much of the Woke ideology follows traditional Leninism in focusing on grooming children to break familial bonds to create stronger loyalty directly to the party. In the end, "Woke" is rebranding of socialist revolutionary philosophy, particularly Maoism.
People around the world’s and especially in America are getting sick of the woke movement

This is evidenced by the Bud Light and Target fiascos going on

The me too movement, defund the police, Black Lives Matter, the gays, the trans in women’s sports….everything, people are done

We are now witnessing a rise in conservatism we have never seen before, people are rebelling against liberalism

You can see this by the majority of blue states losing population and states like Texas, Florida and Arizona increasing in population

People are tired of insane taxes and crimes that won’t be prosecuted and they are tired of being guilty of being successful

This next election, whomever the Republican candidate is will win in probably the biggest landslide in American history

This is why I know you don't have Jesus in your heart, Tink. You can't hate and love Jesus at the same time.

Matthew 25:35-45
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
What's a fascist?

Glad you asked;

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.

Surprisingly, Wikipedia does a good job of explaining how these guilds under Il Deuce were nothing like a modern corporation.

Ultimately the central doctrine of Fascism is supremacy of the state. This is also the central doctrine of the democrat party - that the state is supreme and individuals are irrelevant.

But democrats are not merely fascist, they are Nazis - they have embraced the scapegoat, the racist attack on a group as foundation for their power as they establish the fascist state.
Disney had 50 fucking years of special privileges that no other business in Florida had. They could have continued another 50 with those special privileges but they had to stick their noses into things that didn't concern them. Had they just kept on pimping the mouse nothing would have changed but wokeness brings mental illness. To hell with Disney

Remember when democrats used to lie that they opposed corporate welfare?
shut up you stupid asshole

You live in fear that fact or reason will penetrate the pile of dogshit that substitutes as a brain in you..

So you respond with,

It’s a one size fits everything.

People act like the transvestites are over running the nation. I wonder how many see trans people on a regular basis? I wonder how many of them know a trans person.

I remember people being this outraged when interracial couples were being featured in commercials, TV shows and movies. It didn’t end society.

About 1 in 3 high school girls are being converted.

Transgenderism is the new Bulimia. The problem is that the effects are irreversible.
People around the world’s and especially in America are getting sick of the woke movement

This is evidenced by the Bud Light and Target fiascos going on

The me too movement, defund the police, Black Lives Matter, the gays, the trans in women’s sports….everything, people are done

We are now witnessing a rise in conservatism we have never seen before, people are rebelling against liberalism

You can see this by the majority of blue states losing population and states like Texas, Florida and Arizona increasing in population

People are tired of insane taxes and crimes that won’t be prosecuted and they are tired of being guilty of being successful

This next election, whomever the Republican candidate is will win in probably the biggest landslide in American history

Links to prove this is not a toilet bowl full of lies?
A prediction. We should pin this and review it later. Some of this I would agree with... though it is literally an eternity in politics between now and next November and I would not predict anything by what is happening at this moment politically.

Maybe I should create a "predictions" section of the politics and move threads like this to it.

What say you folks? Should I create a new area to move predictions like this into?

All the shit republicans post is basically this same turd sandwich
It’s a one size fits everything.

People act like the transvestites are over running the nation. I wonder how many see trans people on a regular basis? I wonder how many of them know a trans person.

I remember people being this outraged when interracial couples were being featured in commercials, TV shows and movies. It didn’t end society.

I also remember a time when Tipper Gore called for warning labels on rap albums because of the filth and obscenities. I guess that's when democrats still had some remnants of a moral code.