If they would have just met this terrorist group with lethal force, we wouldn't be in this position, with the right sitting in the bushes trying to destroy our democracy and country for a dictatorship , so they can stay in power. They simply have realized they know longer can exist in a democracy anymore. Their solution, destroy the democracy for a dictatorship. Have you seen the latest videos that are being shown In the house select committee. The right thinks the attack on the capital was a sight seeing tour. The videos showing the right saying who they will kill and how ,as they kill and injure the police who stood in their way. 74% of the hate party say that to much is being made of trying to bring down our government. No big deal as far as they are concerned. Blinding, maiming, killing police is acceptable to them. Destruction of our capital is acceptable to them. Dictatorship is acceptable to them, crapping on the flag and constitution is acceptable to them. It's so much simpler then that, when you can't exist in a democracy anymore. You go away and die quietly. You don't start killing and putting police in the hospital..