The right is nothing but a domestic terrorist group

I never read past your lies and inanities.


That's you isn't it? I know it is!
One protestor died because she believed Trump lies about the election being stolen. Dumbass that she was. She shouldn't have been there. I wonder if she had anything to do building that gallow?

Trump:[h=2]If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' 'We will stop the steal'[/h]
And what kind of a President tells criminals that he loves them after they broke in the capitol and beat up the police? And how come with all his money he's not putting up bail money for his criminals in jail. He could care less if they rot in prison. All he cares about is his supporters keep sending him money. Suckers fall for Con Artists like Trump.

She was murdered. Trump does not support Antifa nor BLM.
Looks like you are the dumbest bastard. However I should have said NEARLY 140.
These were among the claims laid out in a scathing statement Wednesday by Gus Papathanasiou, chairman of the Capitol Police Labor Committee, the officers' union, in response to the acting chief's disclosure Tuesday that her department had "failed" to protect the Capitol from a pro-Trump mob attack. Nearly 140 officers from the Capitol Police and the D.C. Metropolitan Police departments were injured during the attack, Papathanasiou said.

Fake News. Trump does not support Antifa nor BLM.
If they would have just met this terrorist group with lethal force, we wouldn't be in this position, with the right sitting in the bushes trying to destroy our democracy and country for a dictatorship , so they can stay in power. They simply have realized they know longer can exist in a democracy anymore. Their solution, destroy the democracy for a dictatorship. Have you seen the latest videos that are being shown In the house select committee. The right thinks the attack on the capital was a sight seeing tour. The videos showing the right saying who they will kill and how ,as they kill and injure the police who stood in their way. 74% of the hate party say that to much is being made of trying to bring down our government. No big deal as far as they are concerned. Blinding, maiming, killing police is acceptable to them. Destruction of our capital is acceptable to them. Dictatorship is acceptable to them, crapping on the flag and constitution is acceptable to them. It's so much simpler then that, when you can't exist in a democracy anymore. You go away and die quietly. You don't start killing and putting police in the hospital..

you're officially insane now.

go get in the line marked "heavy dose".
Looks like you are the dumbest bastard. However I should have said NEARLY 140.
These were among the claims laid out in a scathing statement Wednesday by Gus Papathanasiou, chairman of the Capitol Police Labor Committee, the officers' union, in response to the acting chief's disclosure Tuesday that her department had "failed" to protect the Capitol from a pro-Trump mob attack. Nearly 140 officers from the Capitol Police and the D.C. Metropolitan Police departments were injured during the attack, Papathanasiou said.

Like I said
One protestor died because she believed Trump lies about the election being stolen. Dumbass that she was. She shouldn't have been there. I wonder if she had anything to do building that gallow?

Trump:[h=2]If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' 'We will stop the steal'[/h]
And what kind of a President tells criminals that he loves them after they broke in the capitol and beat up the police? And how come with all his money he's not putting up bail money for his criminals in jail. He could care less if they rot in prison. All he cares about is his supporters keep sending him money. Suckers fall for Con Artists like Trump.
Trumpanzee's may be the most stupid people in this country's history as a group. There have given him 120 million of their own money for him to steal. Talking about bending over and saying, do it to me again.
You are a traitor to the United States.
These traitors to this great country, support trying to kill cops who try to stop them from destroying our country and democracy while they attempt to overthrow our country to force in a piece of shit as a dictator. They pissed on our flag and constitution and are nothing but domestic terrorist.
These traitors to this great country, support trying to kill cops who try to stop them from destroying our country and democracy while they attempt to overthrow our country to force in a piece of shit as a dictator. They pissed on our flag and constitution and are nothing but domestic terrorist.

Forcing incompatible people to share a single government is a recipe for terrorism anyway.

The right accuses us of being autocratic as well, in this case because we don't recognize the libertarian rights that they think that they have.

This country was founded as the forced union between incompatible colonies,
and even World War II wasn't sufficient to unify us.

If it hasn't happened in 240 odd years, it's not happening at all.
At some point, illogical optimism becomes clear cut psychosis.