The rights attack on people in the left


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Why in the hell would anyone care or respect the comments telling us how bad a person is, when they support Trump, it's a oxymoron . Generally people don't ask the stupidest people in the room their opinion ,when there are people who have the capacity to think that are present.
Why in the hell would anyone care or respect the comments telling us how bad a person is, when they support Trump, it's a oxymoron . Generally people don't ask the stupidest people in the room their opinion ,when there are people who have the capacity to think that are present.

Agree. No Trump supporter has the authority to criticize anyone.
you voted for a guy with clear cognitive issues, dementia, or worse. At least Trump could remember what he said 10 minutes before

Bullshit anyone here can post endless videos of your blithering idiot Trump ,trying to talk. You are a clown.
Evil how, allowing one to keep more of their earned income is evil? I can't wait to hear this.
Biggest piece of shit in the history of this country, This puke is literally the most hated man in the world, as in pond scum. He will be buried in court or jail before 2024. Lets try Raping 13 year olds and his own daughter But that who you people are.
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Why in the hell would anyone care or respect the comments telling us how bad a person is, when they support Trump, it's a oxymoron . Generally people don't ask the stupidest people in the room their opinion ,when there are people who have the capacity to think that are present.

lol you still got nothin specific against trump. all you can say is "orange man bad". lol
that just makes us HUMAN BEINGS love him even more - just to point and laugh at subhuman braindead NPC like yourself. Leftists have no ability to think nor read- you have to censor everything and blindly follow whatever your dear bureaucrat tells you today :)

Also do not blame other people for your crimes and actions.
Biggest piece of shit in the history of this country, This puke is literally the most hated man in the world, as in pond scum. He will be buried in court or jail before 2014. Lets try Raping 13 year olds and his own daughter But that who you people are.

oh i just LOVE how leftists such as subhuman jbander prove what i have pointed out many times before. Leftists are the SUBHUMAN morons that believe science is blind dogma; peace is war; love is hate; tolerance is bigotry; free speech is censorship; men are women; good is bad; vices are virtues and virtues are vices - basically you live in clown world.

Still you can not even point out a single thing Trump did which was at all anti American - he was and is anti leftist. But that is just called being American :) What? he made some mean tweet that you don't like and hurt your feefees?
AWESOME! again- that is called being a RED BLOODED AMERICAN - not a democrat :)
$100 says the leftist subhumans like jbander will fall for their own debunked fake outrage hoaxes and strawmen :)
like russiagate or jussie smollett or pocahauntus warren. What that? all the evidence of Russia collusion actually point to the DEMOCRATS not trump? Shocker