The rights attack on people in the left

$100 says the leftist subhumans like jbander will fall for their own debunked fake outrage hoaxes and strawmen :)
like russiagate or jussie smollett or pocahauntus warren. What that? all the evidence of Russia collusion actually point to the DEMOCRATS not trump? Shocker
Only in your fevered Trumpublican mind.
Rocket pocket just left the room , one thing we don't allow is wasted space and the rocket has nothing but that. A few cut and pastes and then none stop irrational hate. It has been a slice , good bye!
Only in your fevered Trumpublican mind.

oh so i am correct. lol you are the subhuman that fell for YOUR OWN baseless smears against kavenaugh, and the covington kids and jussie smollett hoaxes and also Russiagate.
Leftists are truly delusional. You are a mental disorder :D
oh so i am correct. lol you are the subhuman that fell for YOUR OWN baseless smears against kavenaugh, and the covington kids and jussie smollett hoaxes and also Russiagate.
Leftists are truly delusional. You are a mental disorder :D
Nah, I didn’t pay much attention to Smollett, I thought Covington was a dumbass, disrespectful kid, Kavanaugh, I knew would be appointed, I also feel he was guilty of drunken stupidity. The Mueller report was spot on. Corrupt DOJ resulted in incomplete investigation. You’re still a Trumpublican.
like i said- you fall for your own fake news and fake outrage cause you are NOT even human @Phantasmal

note how leftist subhuman is too stupid to even know that he was lied to by his beloved leftist medai- hell even the fact that CNN and his leftist media being sued for defamation is foreign news to him.
You have absolutely nothing on trump. We do have TERABYTES of evidence against you democrats and also showing how delusional all leftists are. Again- leftists are the SUBHUMAN (NOT EVEN HUMAN) morons dumb enough to believe that men are women, war is peace, love is hate, tolerance is bigotry, wealth is poverty, good is bad, science is blind dogma and deny economics, biology and scarcity itself

You have 0 evidence at all to back any of your claims cause again you are not human
what you even got on the covington kids? what? that they are smiling in DC and wearing a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat?
OH! it is cause You @Phantasmal are NOT American- you HATE America
Why in the hell would anyone care or respect the comments telling us how bad a person is, when they support Trump, it's a oxymoron . Generally people don't ask the stupidest people in the room their opinion ,when there are people who have the capacity to think that are present.

This is just an attack on the right.

You're in a state of 100% projection.
Why in the hell would anyone care or respect the comments telling us how bad a person is, when they support Trump, it's a oxymoron . Generally people don't ask the stupidest people in the room their opinion ,when there are people who have the capacity to think that are present.

Agree. No Trump supporter has the authority to criticize anyone.

argumentum ergo decedo fallacy. A lame attempt to stop rebuttal and discussion by labeling anyone with a different opinion as invalid to speak on the topic.