So, you all can agree with me that RepubliKKKan KKKonservatives are unnaturally obsessed with other people's genitals and decisions related to sexual intercourse and reproduction. It is distasteful, ungodly, and psychotically odd. It is unending. It perfectly demonstrates the natural, biological unintelligence of Trump voters -- without exception.
Now, since that Fat Fuck greasy Big Mac won his second term, every fucking MAGA moron on JPP is textually SCREAMING about trans policy. All day. Every day.
Keep in mind trans folks represent less than 1% of our population, don't hurt anyone, and just want to be left alone.
The fact that half of Americans are so stupid to believe that trans policy is their biggest problem leads me to believe that Americans are too dumb to be saved. They will stomp their feet and flail in this thread, but they won't actually do anything for the next 4 years except suck the micropenis of a lying rapist who doesn't pay his bills and has never been loved.
I'll deal with immigration in a separate thread but seriously, if you voted for Trump, you're a fucking moron, a racist, or both.
Now, since that Fat Fuck greasy Big Mac won his second term, every fucking MAGA moron on JPP is textually SCREAMING about trans policy. All day. Every day.
Keep in mind trans folks represent less than 1% of our population, don't hurt anyone, and just want to be left alone.
The fact that half of Americans are so stupid to believe that trans policy is their biggest problem leads me to believe that Americans are too dumb to be saved. They will stomp their feet and flail in this thread, but they won't actually do anything for the next 4 years except suck the micropenis of a lying rapist who doesn't pay his bills and has never been loved.
I'll deal with immigration in a separate thread but seriously, if you voted for Trump, you're a fucking moron, a racist, or both.