Its that Democrats are crying in their beer because of Clinton losing but nothing about the sick pup they selected for their leader. Don't even care, your group moved towards being a hate group a long time ago , you sold hate for votes from the haters of this country. you became a hate party when you elected scum bag but I knew your hate group had to be dumped a long time ago, I knew demographics would make you disappear and thought that was great but it was going to take a couple of decades. Then you elected the mentally disabled, cruel ,evil ,super hater scum bag and within weeks I looked at that as a blessing, for obvious reasons. Your hate group is toast and that's a good thing. What will be left of you will only be in the history books and it will be ugly as you people are now. So do you want to try your routine on me being so so sorry that Clinton didn't win?
Sorry folks, way to tired when I wrote this thread, lets pretend it never was written, I don't even understand it. I'll time my writing closer to when I wake up in the futureWow, rightys are crazier than I thought and proud of it. Trump earned his hate. Yet, I don't hate him. Hopefully it will end soon and we can move on. Hillary was a lifetrime public servant who was highly qualified to be president. She had experience and education. What she also had was she was targeted by right wing gnus like Fox for decades. She was repeatedly investigated by Repubs even though they all came up empty. If she won, they had more investigations teed up by Mccarthy and othe rightys. You are suckered in by the rightys.
The rights number one responce to attacks on their God and leader
Its that Democrats are crying in their beer because of Clinton losing but nothing about the sick pup they selected for their leader.
Don't even care, your group moved towards being a hate group a long time ago
you sold hate for votes from the haters of this country.
you became a hate party when you elected scum bag
I knew demographics would make you disappear and thought that was great but it was going to take a couple of decades.
Then you elected the mentally disabled, cruel ,evil ,super hater scum bag
Your hate group is toast. What will be left of you will only be in the history books and it will be ugly as you people are now.
Trump's early dismal showing in Iowa polls for 2019 gives credence to
FOX CRAP NEWS , now that's a real hoot.Polls?
your Putin owned party will die you traitors There is nothing you can do about it now You killed it already It now just a matter of bleeding out
and its coming true
Trump's early dismal showing in Iowa polls for 2019 gives credence to
FOX CRAP NEWS , now that's a real hoot.
No but anyone who has a ounce of sense , or have read the hundreds of articles explaining that this hate group would die with the browning of American for the simple reason that in two decades or less they become the majority and terer is no way in hell that they will vote for your hate group for even dog catcher. After your hate group has treated them like shit for decades. but you people shortened your life span considering even more, electing a traitor to this country, it's constitutions and its population.and the devil himself as your God and leader. Your party is toast . I believe the country would have come out in mass against your hate driven party ultimately anyway. I give it no more then 8 years. You will still have hate party stragglers after that but not any more being elected for anything. And for the good conservatives, that I'm beginning to feel don't exist but if you do, there will be a conservative voice and a party to go with it , it just won't be this hate group. But the reality is your conservative voice is as important as the liberal voice in this country but the hate has to go.Poor Desh. How many times have you predicted the death of the GOP?
Nope what the left does is simply add three judges to the supreme court and the democratic president will pick three liberals. You can't have a conservative court during a time when conservatism in this country is only two steps behind Nazism and driven 100% by hate.Yeah we can tell by all the supreme court nominations and conformations. Just waiting for the walking skeleton to take the big dirt nap.
FYI: the left has legislated law from the bench for almost century....what makes you assume the right cannot? The left is in for a terrible time over then next 3 decades. One more seat and Mr. Trump has a direct line to the Black Queen and her corrupt kingdom seated by the same PUTIN you are charging others of dealing in Sedition against this nation. Or she and Mr. Slick could do the honorable thing the way Bush and McCain did.....end their own lives before they were convicted of Treason.
No but anyone who has a ounce of sense , or have read the hundreds of articles explaining that this hate group would die with the browning of American for the simple reason that in two decades or less they become the majority and terer is no way in hell that they will vote for your hate group for even dog catcher. After your hate group has treated them like shit for decades. but you people shortened your life span considering even more, electing a traitor to this country, it's constitutions and its population.and the devil himself as your God and leader. Your party is toast . I believe the country would have come out in mass against your hate driven party ultimately anyway. I give it no more then 8 years. You will still have hate party stragglers after that but not any more being elected for anything. And for the good conservatives, that I'm beginning to feel don't exist but if you do, there will be a conservative voice and a party to go with it , it just won't be this hate group. But the reality is your conservative voice is as important as the liberal voice in this country but the hate has to go.
Nope what the left does is simply add three judges to the supreme court and the democratic president will pick three liberals. You can't have a conservative court during a time when conservatism in this country is only two steps behind Nazism and driven 100% by hate.