The rights number one responce to attacks on their God and leader

The crazed right know in less than two years, their opponents will have the federal government and most of the states.
This configuration of conservatives is gone, they are trying to take away votes from any group that is made up of a majority of democrats and this configuration of the right will support it. They just can't get past the demographics, they can't shit on these people for decades then expect them to vote for them. Add in the election of scum bag makes their future bleak but this group sold out their constitution , it's people and the country itself in supporting this Nazi Wannabee. History won't treat this group very well and boy do they deserve it.
The crazed right know in less than two years, their opponents will have the federal government and most of the states.

then we can rebuild the balance of power that two HONEST parties can present to our government

once the Dems hold EVERYTHING it will be time to debate intelligently and cleave off into two parties

both will compete for the Independent voters.

they will be formed in IDEAS and not corporate money if we do it right

But FIRST we must set in place things like government funding of campaigns so that it can be about IDEAS and not social power and money.

a true democratic republic

time to honor the intent of the founders

they hated the east Indian trading company and didn't want it ruling their new government huh

So keep in mind just how wonderful it is when you have two major parties actually trying to OUT THINK each other with great Ideas fir the people.

its totally bad ass and makes for one SMART nation
blame Fox "news"

they are the people who can be fooled all of the time
But they had to cultivate stupid to do that, this brain dead group had to go after a large number of American bigots, chauvinist, homophobic,Islamophobic and all other forms of hatred to do it. This is what the the hate party did also, they thought they could capture the hate vote and keep their conservative vote , they did to a point but the people who can think in that group are moving on slowly away from this hate that is stamped solidly on their party. Fox crap news and the other arms of this new right wing don't sell conservatism first they sell hate first, there's a bigger market. Doesn't matter though, They can't get past demographics. This dilemma will also be their road to destruction and boy when they go I will dance.
But they had to cultivate stupid to do that, this brain dead group had to go after a large number of American bigots, chauvinist, homophobic,Islamophobic and all other forms of hatred to do it. This is what the the hate party did also, they thought they could capture the hate vote and keep their conservative vote , they did to a point but the people who can think in that group are moving on slowly away from this hate that is stamped solidly on their party. Fox crap news and the other arms of this new right wing don't sell conservatism first they sell hate first, there's a bigger market. Doesn't matter though, They can't get past demographics. This dilemma will also be their road to destruction and boy when they go I will dance.

flys in the spiders net

come too close and you are in the net

for some the "bait" the spider left on that net smelled just right.

Fox is definitely racist scented
When the right final suicide is complete another conservative voice will arise it's a important necessary part of our government but this hate group has to go first. Whats left of reason in this dead duck will only look at this as a opportunity. They have to go from hateful ugly to the honorable other party. By the way I'm as liberal as it gets but I will help them achieve this in any way I can.
the right in our nation right now only has power because they cheat in elections

they will go back to being the fringe

clean elections means a much more left leaning nation

both parties will reject the lie based crap of the current republican party

no one will want the name except the racist idiots

the more right leaning members of the Democratic party will eventually meld with the more right leaning independents

the Democratic party's major base will meld with the more left leaning parts of the Independents

as long as these two major parties hold truth on high and place country over party we will be steaming along

Just remember that it will happen and its not a bad thing IF we have the correct laws in pace to keep the corporate and wealthy money out of it
They went for the haters vote and boy did they get it, enough to elect the hate candidate of all time. Can you remember the right trying everything possible to take back the votes from the haters they literally created and that trash group , I can't even remember their name anymore , the red neck party or something like that . Demographics will be their epitaph , this hate group is as good as gone. They won't be able to rape this country as they are planning by taking away the votes of the real patriots in this country, the Democrats. Any group that has a majority of democrats, the right is trying any way possible to take away the votes of this group. That would make this a dictatorship and that's what they want. They will do anything obviously to stay in power. Screw the people, screw the constitution, screw the flag, screw anything to stay relevant , something that they no longer are.