The rights plan for America.

You say a lot of stupid shit ILA but that was over the top stupid. Think you can get it done all by yourself? Good luck with that. The lesson I have learned in life I learned from a great business leader. You get things done with people. You want shitty people who produce minimum effort with no loyalty, pay as little as you can get away with. You want to accomplish great things? Well you'll need great people to get it done and if your not willing to pay what the market will bear for the best you need, again, good luck with that.

You stupid mouth breathing motherfucker. You didn't even understand my post.

Why do you constantly argue with shit I already agree with. My point which was obviously lost on your dumb ass was that if a business owner can get away without your ass (easy in your case) then he or she will. If they can automate to save labor costs they will. They owe you jack shit. Every business will always try to get by with the lowest labor costs possible while maintaining the quality its customers expect.

Look at you. Your employer gets away with paying you $50,000 a year. You are obviously happy with it. That is life dumb ass.

In the future maybe you should have Grind explain my posts to you before you respond to them.
You say a lot of stupid shit ILA but that was over the top stupid. Think you can get it done all by yourself? Good luck with that. The lesson I have learned in life I learned from a great business leader. You get things done with people. You want shitty people who produce minimum effort with no loyalty, pay as little as you can get away with. You want to accomplish great things? Well you'll need great people to get it done and if your not willing to pay what the market will bear for the best you need, again, good luck with that.
you cannot keep on shifting income from labor to capital...

Um, Labor is Capital.

We thought that markets worked.

Markets are working fine.

An elite group of just 85 of the wealthiest billionaires already have more wealth than the 3.5 billion poorest half of the world population. Read that again. Do you think that this is a good thing.

Okay so you're confused between Wealth and Income.

Picketty is wrong and his data is skewed.
Um, Labor is Capital.

Markets are working fine.

Okay so you're confused between Wealth and Income.

Picketty is wrong and his data is skewed.
And supply side economics is a blind man policy that exist to move all the capital away from everyone except the top few. Your such a smart guy, tell me how, when you need to put people back to work, when the markets need to be stimulated to get us back on our feet. tell me how supply side stupidity can create the demand necessary to create jobs. I can easily tell you how demand side can achieve that.
Your such a smart guy, tell me how, when you need to put people back to work, when the markets need to be stimulated to get us back on our feet. tell me how supply side stupidity can create the demand necessary to create jobs. I can easily tell you how demand side can achieve that.

Demand does not drive an economy, but investment does. You'd know that if you knew what Gross Output was.

Obviously, you don't understand the economics of a post-Industrialized Economy.

Markets all over the world are being stimulated. That's why you have developing- and emerging States. If you don't know how to compete globally, that's not my problem.
Demand does not drive an economy, but investment does. You'd know that if you knew what Gross Output was.

Obviously, you don't understand the economics of a post-Industrialized Economy.

Markets all over the world are being stimulated. That's why you have developing- and emerging States. If you don't know how to compete globally, that's not my problem.
As I figured , you flunked the test. It wasn't easy simply because there is zero ways to create the demand needed to stimulate a sick economic with your stupid trickle down lie, in fact Reagan will be considered the worst destructive president in our history. When people finally look and realize that all that transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top and with a national realization that the middle class is dying , the people will ask why and they don't have to go any further then to the worst president in our history and his plan to transfer all the wealth to the top, even at the price of destroying the middle class. He is nothing but a slime politician who is the hero of the slime party.
Demand does not drive an economy, but investment does. You'd know that if you knew what Gross Output was.

Obviously, you don't understand the economics of a post-Industrialized Economy.

Markets all over the world are being stimulated. That's why you have developing- and emerging States. If you don't know how to compete globally, that's not my problem.

If there isn't any demand what good is investment? You get a bunch of people just handing each other money and nothing would be produced.
Much of the current economic crisis was caused by overinvestment. People were too scared to spend any money and just bought safe investments like bonds until interest rates were absurdly low.
When the revolution comes, ILA will be up against the wall.

Time was most people were entrepreneurs.

There has never been a time when most people were entrepreneurs in that sense of the word. Most people were subsistence farmers, back in your idealized golden age you have no knowledge of. When you are up against the wall and the firing squad is about to pull the trigger and end the beating of your useless heart, you social parasite, think of this. You have brought this upon yourself. You deserve to die, and by your death, you will be making humanity greater. You will serve America the most the day your no longer here, sucking off of it like a leech, taking the produce of your workers and stealing it for yourself. You are economic waste. And the body of society will send out the antibodies necessary to rid us of you, self-important petty bourgeoisie garbage.
If there isn't any demand what good is investment? You get a bunch of people just handing each other money and nothing would be produced.
He has no clue, the point is if your a supply sider during ruff economies ,you give business money, either just handing it to them , tax breaks or any incentive. We saw exactly what will happen during the Bush/regressive recession and all but total collapse of our economy and country. Almost a trillion dollars stimuli and what did business say while they put more money under the mattress in our countries history and sat on it. What was their response when they were pushed on not spending this money, we can't no demand ,no increase in production ,no new jobs. OK now what happens when you hand the poor and middle class the money, yup, automatic demand, no putting it under their mattresses. Just out there spending. The fact is giving the poorest people the money is better , they spend it faster. You have to be a complete idiot to be a supply sider if you care about anyone except yourself. Biggest lie in decades.
As I figured , you flunked the test.

You failed to address any of the issues.

If there isn't any demand what good is investment?

Investment may lead to greater efficiency, perhaps through economy of scale for example, and lower prices, so you win.

WTF? Yeah, Labor is capital in a slave economy. Jesus fucking Christ. Are you from the stone ages?

Labor is Capital in all Economies. Capital is anything used in the means of production which includes, but is not limited to, cash, credit, Labor, Land, buildings machinery, equipment, tools, ships, boats, aircraft, vehicles of all kinds, draught animals, and Intellectual Property.

It's not my fault you don't understand Economics.