The RNC chair just admitted 'Joe Biden won the election'

Hello Dutch Uncle,

The ones who still truly believe are stupid and/or mental as the Insurrection court cases are quickly proving.

The Insurrection brought out the worst of them. That doesn't mean they are all like that. There are just so many poorly informed and plain misinformed people in the Trump Party.

For instance, there are some who are not personally violent, don't go around picking fights with people, but they still vote with the ones who do. They don't worry about who their like voters are. They are unconsciously racist, but are very hurt if anyone suggests they are. They don't want CRT in schools, but if you drill down, they don't want anything having anything to do with any of our racial history taught in schools. They want to preserve their white privilege but don't want to admit it exists. They are most likely to pretend there is no racism any more, and to blame to poor for their own condition, claiming they simply 'made bad choices in life.'

They would agree that public education is in sad shape but they don't want the rich to pay higher taxes to improve it.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

The Insurrection brought out the worst of them. That doesn't mean they are all like that. There are just so many poorly informed and plain misinformed people in the Trump Party.

For instance, there are some who are not personally violent, don't go around picking fights with people, but they still vote with the ones who do. They don't worry about who their like voters are. They are unconsciously racist, but are very hurt if anyone suggests they are. They don't want CRT in schools, but if you drill down, they don't want anything having anything to do with any of our racial history taught in schools. They want to preserve their white privilege but don't want to admit it exists. They are most likely to pretend there is no racism any more, and to blame to poor for their own condition, claiming they simply 'made bad choices in life.'

They would agree that public education is in sad shape but they don't want the rich to pay higher taxes to improve it.

Let's be honest; I don't fix mental cases, I just identify them. In a lot of cases there is treatment but most mental cases live on Mount Stupid and refuse to take their meds...unless they are committed or in prison.

Getting person committed is very difficult, as it should be, but most don't have the means for a private hospital so the prison becomes the next best thing.

So far the records indicate that 2/3s of the arrested Insurrectionists had a previous mental ill health problem.
Hello Dutch,

Let's be honest; I don't fix mental cases, I just identify them. In a lot of cases there is treatment but most mental cases live on Mount Stupid and refuse to take their meds...unless they are committed or in prison.

Getting person committed is very difficult, as it should be, but most don't have the means for a private hospital so the prison becomes the next best thing.

So far the records indicate that 2/3s of the arrested Insurrectionists had a previous mental ill health problem.

I doubt hearing that the RNC chair openly said Trump lost will make much difference in the beliefs of the Capitol Insurrectionists.
Hello Dutch,

I doubt hearing that the RNC chair openly said Trump lost will make much difference in the beliefs of the Capitol Insurrectionists.

Agreed because most are nucking futs and the militia assholes are die-hard anti-American traitors.
While they may, indeed, be lapping up whatever Putin is spewing, most do it because der Fuehrer told them so.

trump was never a cult of personality as you portray.

it's always been about america first and anti-globalization.

you dems cant even acknowledge that argument because your arguments on that actual issue suck so much ass, because yer dum.
trump was never a cult of personality as you portray.

it's always been about america first and anti-globalization.

you dems cant even acknowledge that argument because your arguments on that actual issue suck so much ass, because yer dum.

It was never about America first and anti-globalization that is a bald-ass lie. All it ever was is a bunch of uneducated low IQ methodicted morons.