The Road


I'm reading it, and I think it is disgustingly pro-children.

Otherwise it's pretty good. If he would've just cut out the kid, it would be Oscar worthy.
Well shit, I just figured out the movie comes out November the 26th, so we can see if they made my requested improvements to the storyline.
LOL They could argue, "well, what did you expect from the movie version?" to all the purists who would get angry and raise a russ/all hell.
The book wouldn't be worth the paper it took to print it without the son.

The entire premise of the story is the father trying to protect his son and get him somewhere safer. He would have just lain down to die if he hadn't had to take care of the boy.

That is what makes the suspense in the story.

Being a parent changes your view on this sort of story.

WM, read it again when you have a child of your own. You will be amazed at the difference.
The book wouldn't be worth the paper it took to print it without the son.

The entire premise of the story is the father trying to protect his son and get him somewhere safer. He would have just lain down to die if he hadn't had to take care of the boy.

That is what makes the suspense in the story.

Being a parent changes your view on this sort of story.

WM, read it again when you have a child of your own. You will be amazed at the difference.


I will never have children. And if they do, they will all have their small brains sucked down into little tubes. Children have two purposes: to be abused, and to be eaten. They are utterly useless creatures with no significance. The boy certainly should have have died, he was a huge drag on the story, and despite your false-dramatizations of the "glory" of parenthood. Parenthood is a curse. All parents should be shot in the head.
Oh, don't worry. He's being fecetious on purpose, because it is funnier to be facetious than to not be.

I find it annoying when Solitary writes one of his long pseudo-dramatic statements in response to my facetiousness. So this time I'm trying to go so outlandish I don't think anyone could take it seriously, although I have no doubt of Sol's ability to.
I find it annoying when Solitary writes one of his long pseudo-dramatic statements in response to my facetiousness. So this time I'm trying to go so outlandish I don't think anyone could take it seriously, although I have no doubt of Sol's ability to.

Its not as bad as USC's, "umm Sincinatti is in Ohio" moments...
This medium is pretty simple. You type words and others read them.

I take what people write at face value. I have seen you say more insane things and have been serious.

Figure out how to show when you mean it and when you don't and I'll ignore the ones in whoch you are not serious.

If you don't like my responses then skip over them. I write the way I write. If it annoys you, just consider that a side benefit.

But I am getting more and more tired of the sniping remarks.
This medium is pretty simple. You type words and others read them.

I take what people write at face value. I have seen you say more insane things and have been serious.

Figure out how to show when you mean it and when you don't and I'll ignore the ones in whoch you are not serious.

If you don't like my responses then skip over them. I write the way I write. If it annoys you, just consider that a side benefit.

But I am getting more and more tired of the sniping remarks.

Writing is a poor medium to show humor, but still. When I say something like "the story would have been better without the kid", even though the kid was the main plot point, and I start the thread off with a rant against children, it is pretty easy to connect this with my and LadyT's facetious anti-children campaign.

And I am getting less and less tired of your remarks.
Writing is a poor medium to show humor, but still. When I say something like "the story would have been better without the kid", even though the kid was the main plot point, and I start the thread off with a rant against children, it is pretty easy to connect this with my and LadyT's facetious anti-children campaign.

And I am getting less and less tired of your remarks.

I don't try and connect the topics or combine views of multiple posters.

I write what I think and what I feel.

Less and less tired? Damn shame that is.
Yeah I've been sleeping well lately.

A good nights sleep is a good thing for you.

If thats what you meant, then skip the "damn shame that is" part.

Time for me to get about 4 hours sleep before I drive to atlanta.
