The search for dark matter

All of the natural world, all of reality, is composed of quantum fields. What we think of as particles is a convenient fiction.

Sidebar: My prediction for the top five discoveries of the next 20 years:

Discovery of dark matter
Discovery of dark energy
Discovery of habitable exoplanets
Discovery of Ghengis Kahn's tomb
Unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity

maybe in 100 years
maybe in 100 years

I doubt it will take 100 years, but it depends on the expectations one has for what counts as an explanation -- a scientific explanation, or a deeper ontological understanding.

Dark matter may just require a modification of Newtonian mechanics. Even if it is expression of some exotic particle physics, I would be surprised if we have to wait until the 22nd century to find out.

Dark energy might just be an expression of Einstein's erstwhile cosmological constant, although that explanation would probably preclude us from a deeper ontological understanding.

I think it is possible there are people in Mongolia who know where Ghengis Khan's tomb is, but they are not talking. There are spiritual and cultural reasons to keep it secret for now.

We are probably less than a decade from developing tools and techniques to observe biosignatures in the atmospheres of exoplanets, so I doubt we will have to wait until the 22nd century to to observe habitable alien planets.

I was just guessing about a grand unified theory for general relativity and quantuum mechanics - but it would be disappointing to wait to the 22nd century for that.
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dark matter is of yet beyond expiation and will be something we may not comprehend for may decades if not longer . we need to actually find some to understand it and its not floating around like neutrinos.

we are just discovering true habitual plants is a long way off right now we dont come close to the tec to know for sure whats going om . we may be able to learn more about other planets atmospheres but not from earth and in the end we would have to send something there to know form sure as for bio signatures thats a long way off and again would probably require going there with a probe to learn much .

as for people in Mongolia who know where Ghengis Khan's tomb is,well maybe but I doubt it we cant even find jimmy Hoffa and no one is talking

Dark energy is a complete mystery to me and Im clueless about it
dark matter is of yet beyond expiation and will be something we may not comprehend for may decades if not longer . we need to actually find some to understand it and its not floating around like neutrinos.

we are just discovering true habitual plants is a long way off right now we dont come close to the tec to know for sure whats going om . we may be able to learn more about other planets atmospheres but not from earth and in the end we would have to send something there to know form sure as for bio signatures thats a long way off and again would probably require going there with a probe to learn much .

as for people in Mongolia who know where Ghengis Khan's tomb is,well maybe but I doubt it we cant even find jimmy Hoffa and no one is talking

Dark energy is a complete mystery to me and Im clueless about it

In physics it almost never takes over a century to confirm an observational hypothesis.

In the history of modern physics it seemingly takes less than 50 years. The Higgs field was hypothesized and confirmed in about 50 years. And actually it only took a few years once we had the correct tools - the Higgs boson was confirmed about only two years after the CERN particle accelerator opened.

Black holes were confirmed within a few decades of when they were originally hypothesized.

The only road block I see is if somehow the Dark Matter hypothesis is somehow completely off on the wrong track, and the gravitational anomalies in the universe are actually because we have Newtonian mechanics and general relativity slightly wrong.
^ an attempt at rightwing humour.

^ Sounds like you have never heard of dark matter, which happens to be one of the most important research topics in physics of the last 30 years.

You appear to be deficient in rudimentary scientific knowledge. Let me guess, you think climate change is a Chinese hoax, the Earth is 6000 years old, and early humans kept dinosaurs as pets.

You mean the earth os older then 6000 years
In physics it almost never takes over a century to confirm an observational hypothesis.

In the history of modern physics it seemingly takes less than 50 years. The Higgs field was hypothesized and confirmed in about 50 years. And actually it only took a few years once we had the correct tools - the Higgs boson was confirmed about only two years after the CERN particle accelerator opened.

Black holes were confirmed within a few decades of when they were originally hypothesized.

The only road block I see is if somehow the Dark Matter hypothesis is somehow completely off on the wrong track, and the gravitational anomalies in the universe are actually because we have Newtonian mechanics and general relativity slightly wrong.

black holes were theorized in 1916 the first one discovered was 1971 the first photo of one was 2019 and we still dont know what they really are. so over a 100 yers has gone by and we still dont know that much about them and they are simple compared to dark matter and dark energy
black holes were theorized in 1916 the first one discovered was 1971 the first photo of one was 2019 and we still dont know what they really are. so over a 100 yers has gone by and we still dont know that much about them and they are simple compared to dark matter and dark energy

But you guys hate science remember

All the scientists are bought according to you
In physics it almost never takes over a century to confirm an observational hypothesis.

In the history of modern physics it seemingly takes less than 50 years. The Higgs field was hypothesized and confirmed in about 50 years. And actually it only took a few years once we had the correct tools - the Higgs boson was confirmed about only two years after the CERN particle accelerator opened.

Black holes were confirmed within a few decades of when they were originally hypothesized.

The only road block I see is if somehow the Dark Matter hypothesis is somehow completely off on the wrong track, and the gravitational anomalies in the universe are actually because we have Newtonian mechanics and general relativity slightly wrong.

And Bush43 turned down the building of it in the USA
black holes were theorized in 1916 the first one discovered was 1971 the first photo of one was 2019 and we still dont know what they really are. so over a 100 yers has gone by and we still dont know that much about them and they are simple compared to dark matter and dark energy

No, people noticed a strange mathematical consequence of Einstein's theory of general relativity shortly after it's publication in 1915.

But nobody hypothesized that it would manifest as a region of space we could potentially observe -- aka, the hypothesis of black holes was not published until the 1950s.

Sure we have a lot to learn about black holes. But they have been confirmed.

For that matter, we really do not fundamentally know why mass causes gravity. We can just describe the gravitational effect mathematically as curvature of space-time. We still have a lot to learn about gravity 400 years after Issac Newton.

And that is precisely why I was crystal clear about drawing a distinction between what counts as a scientific explanation, and true ontological knowlege.
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But you guys hate science remember

All the scientists are bought according to you

sorry you dont like my post but its the truth it has nothing to do with hating science or politics it has every thing to do with science and the truth, we have know about black holes for over 100 yeas and are no closer to really understanding them.
We are in our infancy of technology and science and are just getting our toes wet into understanding the universe.
I think we will make great strides over time with our science and technology , but we are just baby's right now and have a rudimentary understanding of our universe. We still don't even know whats in the depths of our own oceans on the planet.

I am realist and to a extent a dreamer also, but because I am a realist I know we are just baby's as far as the universe goes and understanding it .
sorry you dont like my post but its the truth it has nothing to do with hating science or politics it has every thing to do with science and the truth, we have know about black holes for over 100 yeas and are no closer to really understanding them.
We are in our infancy of technology and science and are just getting our toes wet into understanding the universe.
I think we will make great strides over time with our science and technology , but we are just baby's right now and have a rudimentary understanding of our universe. We still don't even know whats in the depths of our own oceans on the planet.

I am realist and to a extent a dreamer also, but because I am a realist I know we are just baby's as far as the universe goes and understanding it .

Then don’t pick and choose your belief in science

You want credibility

Display it by accepting science and not spewing political propaganda when it suits your lie filled political aims
And accessibility to America’s scientists

I do not think it is a coincidence the super collider was killed in the early 1990s.

I could be wrong about this, but particle physics and nuclear physics were on the gravy train of funding during the cold war - partly because of military and national security applications.

After the Cold War the big bucks started flowing to genetics.
It’s why it’s better to fund all emerging science

It’s alway and element of the next big commercial edge

Like NASA and computers
If theory the center of a black hole is infinitely . small but that creates a problem with q particles at the sub atomic level unless Einsteins theory of the existence of white holes os actually real and we have yet to detect one . they are basically just a black hole acting in reverse spewing out matter.A dead black hole .
Primordial black holes would be simpler than looking for exotic subatomic particles

Are Black Holes and Dark Matter the Same? Astrophysicists Upend Textbook Explanations

Upending textbook explanations, astrophysicists from the University of Miami, Yale University, and the European Space Agency suggest that primordial black holes account for all dark matter in the universe.

Proposing an alternative model for how the universe came to be, a team of astrophysicists suggests that all black holes—from those as tiny as a pinhead to those covering billions of miles—were created instantly after the Big Bang and account for all dark matter.

That’s the implication of a study by astrophysicists at the University of Miami, Yale University, and the European Space Agency that suggests that black holes have existed since the beginning of the universe **and that these primordial black holes could be as-of-yet unexplained dark matter. If proven true with data collected from this month’s launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, the discovery may transform scientific understanding of the origins and nature of two cosmic mysteries: dark matter and black holes.