The Secret to Better Baked Potatoes? Cook Them Like the British Do.

TOPSpecialTOT/PEAR Gratin
Butter for the baking dish
1 T. fresh thy
2 big onions, sliced thin
6 T. extra-virgin olive oil
1 recipe homemade tots or one pound of sliced potatotes
1 large Bartlett pear, sliced thin
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
1 1/2 cups heavy cream (or half/fhalf or whole milk)
2 cloves garlic, smashed (or minced)
1 cup freshly grated gruyere cheese
2/3 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees ...Butter a casserole dish ....
Cook the onions until soft in olive oil....
If you're using sliced potatoes, brown them slightly, or blanch them to soften. season with S & P
Peel the pear, thinly slice....mandolin if you have one...
Heat the cream and garlic to just simmering, then remove from the heat.
Combine the gruyere, parmesan, fresh thyme and 1 teaspoon each salt and pepper in a bowl.
Spread the onions in casserole....Sprinkle one-third of the cheese mixture on top.
Pour some of the cream over the cheese. Layer theTOTS on Top, then sprinkle more cheese..add more cream...
Top with the pear slices and the remaining cheese mixture.
Pour the remaining cream over everything. a little more cheese if you like....
Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake 30 minutes (maybe 45 if you use potatoes, not tots) then uncover and bake until the gratin bubbles/browns... 5 to 10 more minutes.
Let it cool a bit to set up before serving...
Enjoy....just basically potatoes au gratin with a bit of a twist for our JPP friends;)...
I have done it many times. Usually white, yukon, red~spring potatoes w/ thin skins.. Works well w/ sweet potatoes as well as "yams" or what we call yams in the USA, the orange colored sweet potatoes but granted they are not as good, but then you got it in five mins, not an hour & heating up the house.. I did a oriental jewel a few days ago-very sweet, prob the sweetest you can find, developed in Japan..
I will look for that variety...we love sweet potatoes/yams...No microwave, can do...
I will use one at school, though, out of necessity;) Home Ec. rooms sadly gone, you know....
Yet our cuisine is far more famous and superior to yours.

French fries.... Yeah... How many "chips" are sold around the world compared to American French fries?

Nobody cares about a baked potato....

That sounds like the milion flies can't be wrong theory.
I will look for that variety...we love sweet potatoes/yams...No microwave, can do...
I will use one at school, though, out of necessity;) Home Ec. rooms sadly gone, you know....

Maris Piper or Pentland are the best varieties for baked potatoes bar none.
All the article really says is to stop microwaving your baked potatoes and you'll like them better...

Since I am allergic to potatoes I don't cook them either way.

She's right, most Americans haven't a clue when it comes to baked spuds.

Good lord. If you can't make a decent baked potato by the time your 12 you should be permanently banned from the kitchen. Personally...Jacket potatoes are the lamest and laziest twice baked potato recipe around. I have at least four different twice baked potato recipes and all are far better than this.

I mean for gods sake if you want crispy skins on your baked potatoes rub them liberally with oil. Who doesn't do this? Skidmark maybe but no one else could be that dumb! LOL
Good lord. If you can't make a decent baked potato by the time your 12 you should be permanently banned from the kitchen. Personally...Jacket potatoes are the lamest and laziest twice baked potato recipe around. I have at least four different twice baked potato recipes and all are far better than this.

I mean for gods sake if you want crispy skins on your baked potatoes rub them liberally with oil. Who doesn't do this? Skidmark maybe but no one else could be that dumb! LOL
Twice baked potatoes are an entirely diffeernt animal...but, do share...who doesn't love one of those?
Do you ever use duck fat to do fries or to roast with?
Get it from the North Market....
Twice baked potatoes are an entirely diffeernt animal...but, do share...who doesn't love one of those?
Do you ever use duck fat to do fries or to roast with?
Get it from the North Market....
I make a Duck adobo that will give you a mouthgasm. Duck fat is in important ingredient in the sauce but don’t ask what the other one is. It is just simply one of the best things you’ll ever eat.
I make a Duck adobo that will give you a mouthgasm. Duck fat is in important ingredient in the sauce but don’t ask what the other one is. It is just simply one of the best things you’ll ever eat.
Adobong pato? I'm so going to try this;)
Good lord. If you can't make a decent baked potato by the time your 12 you should be permanently banned from the kitchen. Personally...Jacket potatoes are the lamest and laziest twice baked potato recipe around. I have at least four different twice baked potato recipes and all are far better than this.

I mean for gods sake if you want crispy skins on your baked potatoes rub them liberally with oil. Who doesn't do this? Skidmark maybe but no one else could be that dumb! LOL

If you have decent spuds then you dont have to do anything to the skins, why don't you just rub some WD40 into them\?