The September "Petraeus" Report

Damocles - That Harry Reid statement is no different that many statements from military types saying that the war cannot be won militarily. It you are comfortable with supporting your assertion that the Democrats were "shouting 'defeat'" during the campaign by resting on that single isolated statement, that's fine. I'm not buying it though.
So I'm Dick Cheney now?

No, I'm just pointing out that you do not have to be either Jewish, nor a former liberal, to be a neocon, or to embrace the neocon ideology.

If I thought you were Dick Cheney you don't think I'd be caught dead talking to you, do you?
You don't remember any of the Ds running saying that the war in Iraq is lost? Selective memory perhaps. That's cool, it doesn't matter if you remember it for my analisys to be correct, only that others remember hearing it.

Things like that... You don't remember them?

Statements like that set any improvement at all up to be better than what was predicted.

As I said before, it isn't like I'm happy about it, but expectations are so very low that almost any improvement will be magnified as exponentially greater than it is.

Umm how many times do we have to see the same statement by the same politico in this thread. Any origional ideas ?
Really now!

Damocles - That Harry Reid statement is no different that many statements from military types saying that the war cannot be won militarily. It you are comfortable with supporting your assertion that the Democrats were "shouting 'defeat'" during the campaign by resting on that single isolated statement, that's fine. I'm not buying it though.

Post them there citations in full sound bites allowed..ball is in your court!
That's my history? I didn't realize I spoke for a whole group of people. Guess I shouldn't underestimate my power.

All that b.s. you wrote still doesn't change the report that the surge has shown success. You put yourself in a position to where admitting it would somehow equate saying something positive about Bush. I would think you can dislike Bush and still root for the war effort but maybe that's not possible.

Do you have mainstream sources that say the surge has had no success because I know the Times has reported success. And let's be clear here reporting success in the surge does not mean the war is going to be over next month or anything dramatic like that. But it does mean we have made advancements and had success militarily.
Show us anything in that report that is any more than reteric and spin.
what I posted previously is now being proven by some here. Any slight technical success in Iraq will be blown out of porportion by the right wingnuts.
A partial success in a postage stanmp part of Iraq, does not qualify success when the rest of the Country is deteriorating.
Two prominent US political analysts just back from Iraq said Monday the US troop surge strategy was making strides in some areas, but warned the Iraqi government was making "zero" progress.

Brookings Institution scholars Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, who have recently criticized Bush administration strategy, said they returned from eight days in Iraq more optimistic than they expected.

They noted progress in battling Al-Qaeda in Iraq in western Al-Anbar province, and said there had been impressive stabilization in the northern cities of Tal-Afar and Mosul.

But they warned that southern Iraq and the city of Basra were like the "Wild West," pummelled by violence, and that security in the capital was uneven, with some neighborhoods returning to normal and others like a "war-zone."

from the link cawacko. as I said miniscule progress, screamed out of proportion.
Right...another escape artist...

I'm not playing these gotcha games. Just google: iraq "military solution"

There's plenty there.

Challenge others then balk when the favor is returned...nice try 'Mr.Sound Bite'
I see true Journalism is not your forte!
Two prominent US political analysts just back from Iraq said Monday the US troop surge strategy was making strides in some areas, but warned the Iraqi government was making "zero" progress.

Brookings Institution scholars Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, who have recently criticized Bush administration strategy, said they returned from eight days in Iraq more optimistic than they expected.

They noted progress in battling Al-Qaeda in Iraq in western Al-Anbar province, and said there had been impressive stabilization in the northern cities of Tal-Afar and Mosul.

But they warned that southern Iraq and the city of Basra were like the "Wild West," pummelled by violence, and that security in the capital was uneven, with some neighborhoods returning to normal and others like a "war-zone."

from the link cawacko. as I said miniscule progress, screamed out of proportion.

Where is it being screamed out of proportion?

That was an opinion piece the Ny times ran, not an article, and it was written by two long time hawks, war supporters, and escalation supporters, who call themselves "war critics" because they have criticized how bush has fought the war.

They are as disingenuous as the right wing sites plugging it on one hand, while denouncing the "Liberal Ny Times" in their next entry.
What's your fucking point? I said that military types have said that the war cannot be won militarily. What difference does "alone" make? It's a distinction certainly, but on the very fundamental point it is irrelevant. The war cannot be won militarily, a different solution is required.
Oh my....

What's your fucking point? I said that military types have said that the war cannot be won militarily. What difference does "alone" make? It's a distinction certainly, but on the very fundamental point it is irrelevant. The war cannot be won militarily, a different solution is required.

Now you have pulled out the big gun...the 'F' word am I supposed to cringe about now?...Not hardly were called out...embarrassment has taken over your again what the 'ALONE' word means...all combat relies on politicians supplying the needed tools of the trade...we are now in a quasi occupation phase...not unlike the occupation of Germany at the end of WWII...when the 'Werewolfs' were a similar problem with occupying forces...and your feable point again?
Damocles - That Harry Reid statement is no different that many statements from military types saying that the war cannot be won militarily. It you are comfortable with supporting your assertion that the Democrats were "shouting 'defeat'" during the campaign by resting on that single isolated statement, that's fine. I'm not buying it though.
I am comfortable with my analysis of the current expectation of the regular US Citizen. You keep assuming that I am using it as some sort of weapon. I am not, I have simply analyzed what I believe the reaction will be.