The Seth Rich story

Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh (deceased) are not loons. Okay Alex Jones can be somewhat loopy at times but he knows what is really going on.
This @rjhenn appears to be a leftist parrot.
since you're not paid any where near the salaries of the MAGA whores you just mentioned, what's your stake in all this blather?
Not that that has ever stopped a run-away Reichwing Rumor Train, eh?
Too funny! ThatOwlCoward reads "Fox News" and immediately becomes more irrational than usual under the predicate that a media outlet that is not as HATEFUL and dishonest as she is must certainly be lying to pursue some nefarious agenda.

Don't worry 'Coward, you're still neck-and-neck in first place with Guno as far as cowardice and dishonesty are concerned.
Everybody, look how wonderful and nice Nordberg is.
Nordberg probably even has one of these signs in his yard to let you know just how wonderful and nice he is:


The Problem with Hate Has No Home Here - Mark Beckwith