"The sharing economy"


People should share if possible, but you shouldn't live with the expectation that you'll be given things or taken care of. Also if you receive you should also then give, but if you give you should not expect to be given something back in return. I hope that makes sense.
People should share if possible, but you shouldn't live with the expectation that you'll be given things or taken care of. Also if you receive you should also then give, but if you give you should not expect to be given something back in return. I hope that makes sense.

starving and freezing are bad for humanns
An example would be not too long ago I was competing at a local rodeo. A girl that was also registered to compete had a broken bridle and no replacement. I've met her before and I knew that she didn't come from any sort of money and most of her equipment was hand me down. The event was small and the facility didn't have a lot of spare equipment and so I gave her one of my spares so that she could compete. She wanted to give it back afterwards but I let her keep it since that stuff isn't cheap. It was a small gesture on my part but made a huge difference for her. I didn't expect anything in return and she didn't give me anything other than a thank you, but that was perfectly fine. You give what you are able to give when it's necessary. I knew what she needed and so that's what I gave her, nothing more, nothing less. If I didn't she wouldn't have competed that day but she would have worked after that to buy new equipment so that she could compete another day, and I knew that, but I wanted her to compete that day and everyone has bad luck sometimes. What you can't expect is that the federal government can make those types of decisions without it becoming inefffient or making people dependent.
People should share if possible, but you shouldn't live with the expectation that you'll be given things or taken care of. Also if you receive you should also then give, but if you give you should not expect to be given something back in return. I hope that makes sense.

No, people should live with the expectation of being given certain rights. People have a right to housing, and a right to sustenance. They have a right to live. This is denied to the people under the tyrannical capitalist system.
No, people should live with the expectation of being given certain rights. People have a right to housing, and a right to food. They have a right to live. This is denied to the people under the tyrannical capitalist system.

capitalism is not evil

Unfettered it eats its self

properly fettered its awesome
capitalism is not evil

Unfettered it eats its self

properly fettered its awesome

All horseshit. There is no such thing as unfettered capitalism. It exists as a figment of left wingers imaginations. Are you smiling crack again?

How many times were your kids collected by CPS because you were lying in a puddle of your drool with some johns jizz pouring out of you
No, people should live with the expectation of being given certain rights. People have a right to housing, and a right to sustenance. They have a right to live. This is denied to the people under the tyrannical capitalist system.

Is it though? If what you earn determines where you live and what you eat then what determines what type of housing and what type of food is guaranteed to you as a right under the system you would prefer? Do you believe that every profession should be paid the same or that all people should eat the same type of food? We do have a right to life, I will agree with that, but when it comes to a right to housing what type of housing? When it comes to a right to sustenance, what determines what type of sustensence? If my right to all of those same things are limited so that others can share them isn't that violating my rights too?
you are a good person norah

now realize that girl is wealthy compared to many people

In comparison to many people around the world absolutely, but I know where she is from and what she has and compared to many Americans she is not wealthy or probably even middle class.
In comparison to many people around the world absolutely, but I know where she is from and what she has and compared to many Americans she is not wealthy or probably even middle class.


Please learn about your own people