"The sharing economy"


Please learn about your own people

In this country she lives in a trailer with her parents outside San Angelo. She has one horse that is not that great, can't afford to travel with it so she often times uses a local stock horse for competition, which means she doesn't win often, and most of her equipment is second hand. To millions of Americans she would be considered trailer park trash. To me she is a good person that does not complain, tries super hard, and isn't ashamed of what she has and doesn't have. It took convincing for her to accept something for free from me. Not everybody is looking for handouts and not everybody that actually needs a handout wants something that they didn't earn.
she is wealthy compared to many Americans

do they matter to you

Sure, but I knew what she needed, I don't know what thousands of others actually need versus what they want because someone else has it. We should help people help themselves as best we can.
then listen to them instead of trashing them by calling them dirty beggers like the republican party tells you to do
but when you speak of America poor as needing to care for themselves with no help because they need to learn a lesson you say that

In June 2016, The IMF warned the United States that its high poverty rate needs to be tackled urgently by raising the minimum wage and offering paid maternity leave to women to encourage them to enter the labor force.[21]

You are an idiot. Who cares what they say. Pay for it yourself if you care so much.

Any moron can sit around and self righteously proclaim how they would spend other people's money. There is no virtue in that.
but when you speak of America poor as needing to care for themselves with no help because they need to learn a lesson you say that

I didn't say that they shouldn't receive help I said that they should only get the help they need so that they don't become dependent on help and that the federal government can't fully determine what those needs may actually be. The way welfare currently works is highly inefficient.
People should share if possible, but you shouldn't live with the expectation that you'll be given things or taken care of. Also if you receive you should also then give, but if you give you should not expect to be given something back in return. I hope that makes sense.
Hi Norah. Glad to see you make a visit back. Hope all is well?
No, people should live with the expectation of being given certain rights. People have a right to housing, and a right to sustenance. They have a right to live. This is denied to the people under the tyrannical capitalist system.
Don't worry Skidmark. I'm sure your parents basement is still available.
Is it though? If what you earn determines where you live and what you eat then what determines what type of housing and what type of food is guaranteed to you as a right under the system you would prefer? Do you believe that every profession should be paid the same or that all people should eat the same type of food? We do have a right to life, I will agree with that, but when it comes to a right to housing what type of housing? When it comes to a right to sustenance, what determines what type of sustensence? If my right to all of those same things are limited so that others can share them isn't that violating my rights too?
Don't worry about it. You'll be one of the first ones Skidmark executes when his socialist paradise arises.

Who said everything is guaranteed under communism, given most everyone always lives in depravity?
Hi Norah. Glad to see you make a visit back. Hope all is well?

Hi yes things are going pretty good. A few rodeos over the last couple months, got second in one of them which was pretty cool, and got me three squirrels last weekend when I went home for the weekend from school. Other than that it's just school and stuff.
Hi yes things are going pretty good. A few rodeos over the last couple months, got second in one of them which was pretty cool, and got me three squirrels last weekend when I went home for the weekend from school. Other than that it's just school and stuff.
Did any of the squirrels look like Watermark?