You have to incredibly politically naive and utterly economically stupid to imagine the modern progressive movement, including Obamacare, won't change the economic dynamics in this you eyes and you'll see its already having a detrimental effect on the nation.....5 years worth of failed ideas and increasing our massive debt.
I guess trickle down doesn't work huh?
they don't seem to trickle any of what they gain down to the people.
trickle on is the truth NOT TRICKLE DOWN
reminds me of the French revolution, 'Let them eat cake', but sooner or later the rich will lose their heads. I hope.
did the corporations do what was best for them or for the American people and this country?
Fuck all you guys left and right!
It is trickle down, I'm in that next 4 percent and it worked for me and millions of us 4 percenters.
Dems don't like new millionaires
Neocons don't like trickle down when a dem is doing the trickling.
Corporations create jobs. That's good for the American people as long as government doesn't tax and regulate the corporations offshore where they create jobs for other people doing good for them.
Of course that's way over your head Fatty Shitty Panties.
If they don't pay enough to live on, what is the good of jobs?
Burglars unite - we spend money on tools don't we, and it trickles down to mugs! What a bloody country - it is worse that the UK even, when people can boast like that. Jesus wept!