The Silent Slaughter of the Flower of Ukraine’s Youth | Common Dreams

While I can no longer read Hawkeye's posts,

I'm sure that they all drip of shameless cowardice the way they always have.
Ukraine will if it continues to exist, they will do what they must do, the Russians have been very clear on what must happen.....then we can move on from this latest American catastrophic pointless war.

There is a new Sheriff in town.....this shit is over.

is Putin the new sheriff in the West?......I feel near to tears at the fact you cunts welcome the news......worthless piece of were fools to put the Pasty Faced Pedophile in the Oval Office.....
If the subject is sucking Chinese and Russian cock at the same time,
there's no better expert than Hawk.

If that's not your jam, however,
it's best to have him on ignore as I do.
Otherwise, his constant shaking in fear makes the monitor hard to read.
Great video.

I think perhaps the more important thing to think about is, chance for what? I think there was a chance that Ukraine could have avoided losing just about all the territory they've lost since the Russian war started if they'd just finalized the peace agreement they'd almost agreed to around a month after Russia started its military operation (for those who don't know about it: The Lost Promise of Peace in Ukraine | )

At this point, I'd say their best bet is to start looking hard for a ceasefire. It's certainly possible that Russia might not go for it, but at least they'd be acknowledging what's become obvious to anyone who's paying attention, which is that they have no chance of breaching Russia's defensive positions, while Russia's odds of breaching more of Ukraine's positions grows by the day.

The Russians have no interest in a ceasefire, and the West is all out of credibility or moral stature with which to demand one.

I don't know about the Russians having no interest in a ceasefire. As to the west being out of credibility, I can agree to that, but ceasefires speak for themselves. That is, if a side stops shooting, that's all the "guarantees" required.
I don't know about the Russians having no interest in a ceasefire. As to the west being out of credibility, I can agree to that, but ceasefires speak for themselves. That is, if a side stops shooting, that's all the "guarantees" required.

Everyone now knows that the West had no intention of honoring the Minsk accords, that it was a fraud to enable them to arm Ukraine to go after Russia, which they did. And America has been clear that the ultimate goal is to destroy Russia. And there is a lot more on the list of our betrayals. And Russia and China are winning this war.

Why would they agree to a ceasefire? Those who do deals with dishonorable people who hate them and have long been out to hurt them are idiots.
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Contrary to the claims of Regime Media going back about a decade the Russians are not incompetent idiots, that is though what the children in Washington are, and have long been.

They are getting us hurt.
I dont think we get a ceasefire until we do as we must....agree that what is left of Ukraine will be neutral and largely demilitarized. The ceasefire will happen with negotiations on the implementation agreement.
I don't know about the Russians having no interest in a ceasefire. As to the west being out of credibility, I can agree to that, but ceasefires speak for themselves. That is, if a side stops shooting, that's all the "guarantees" required.

Everyone now knows that the West had no intention of honoring the Minsk accords, that it was a fraud to enable them to arm Ukraine to go after Russia, which they did.

Technically, it enabled them to go after the Donbass Republics, not Russia. The Donbass Republics are -now- officially part of Russia, but that wasn't the case then.

And America has been clear that the ultimate goal is to destroy Russia. And there is a lot more on the list of our betrayals. And Russia and China are winning this war.

Why would they agree to a ceasefire? Those who do deals with dishonorable people who hate them and have long been out to hurt them are idiots.

There are different parties here. One party could be considered the power brokers, armchair warriors who talk of weakening Russia while safely esconced far from Ukraine. The other party could be considered the Ukrainians themselves, who are fighting and dying in large quantities every day in Ukraine. One of these parties wouldn't bat an eye at making another ceasefire deal only to betray it at a moment's notice. I suspect that most Ukrainians themselves, by and large, really do want peace. They are currently being led by what is probably the worst of them, those who don't, and who are now going to kidnapping those who'd rather not fight and putting them on the front lines.

What I'm getting at is that I think that the momentum for a ceasefire is building, not just outside of Ukraine in countries that are most affected by the cutting of crops from the region, but within Ukraine as well. Perhaps most importantly, Russia has already taken much of what could be considered to be the "Russian sympathetic" side of Ukraine. Taking territory further west might not be so hard in the not too distant future as it appears that Ukraine is running out of artillery and just about everything else, but it risks getting into an Afghanistan like situation. I strongly suspect that Russia knows this and is one of the reasons that they were in no hurry to even take Bakhmut, let alone targets further west.
Technically, it enabled them to go after the Donbass Republics, not Russia. The Donbass Republics are -now- officially part of Russia, but that wasn't the case then.

There are different parties here. One party could be considered the power brokers, armchair warriors who talk of weakening Russia while safely esconced far from Ukraine. The other party could be considered the Ukrainians themselves, who are fighting and dying in large quantities every day in Ukraine. One of these parties wouldn't bat an eye at making another ceasefire deal only to betray it at a moment's notice. I suspect that most Ukrainians themselves, by and large, really do want peace. They are currently being led by what is probably the worst of them, those who don't, and who are now going to kidnapping those who'd rather not fight and putting them on the front lines.

What I'm getting at is that I think that the momentum for a ceasefire is building, not just outside of Ukraine in countries that are most affected by the cutting of crops from the region, but within Ukraine as well. Perhaps most importantly, Russia has already taken much of what could be considered to be the "Russian sympathetic" side of Ukraine. Taking territory further west might not be so hard in the not too distant future as it appears that Ukraine is running out of artillery and just about everything else, but it risks getting into an Afghanistan like situation. I strongly suspect that Russia knows this and is one of the reasons that they were in no hurry to even take Bakhmut, let alone targets further west.

In the West, which is looking for a way out of this catastrophe born of ignorance and hubris.

The Han and their friends have other plans.....we must suffer for what we have done.

They call this justice.
Technically, it enabled them to go after the Donbass Republics, not Russia. The Donbass Republics are -now- officially part of Russia, but that wasn't the case then.

There are different parties here. One party could be considered the power brokers, armchair warriors who talk of weakening Russia while safely esconced far from Ukraine. The other party could be considered the Ukrainians themselves, who are fighting and dying in large quantities every day in Ukraine. One of these parties wouldn't bat an eye at making another ceasefire deal only to betray it at a moment's notice. I suspect that most Ukrainians themselves, by and large, really do want peace. They are currently being led by what is probably the worst of them, those who don't, and who are now going to kidnapping those who'd rather not fight and putting them on the front lines.

What I'm getting at is that I think that the momentum for a ceasefire is building, not just outside of Ukraine in countries that are most affected by the cutting of crops from the region, but within Ukraine as well. Perhaps most importantly, Russia has already taken much of what could be considered to be the "Russian sympathetic" side of Ukraine. Taking territory further west might not be so hard in the not too distant future as it appears that Ukraine is running out of artillery and just about everything else, but it risks getting into an Afghanistan like situation. I strongly suspect that Russia knows this and is one of the reasons that they were in no hurry to even take Bakhmut, let alone targets further west.

In the West, which is looking for a way out of this catastrophe born of ignorance and hubris.

The Han and their friends have other plans.....we must suffer for what we have done.

They call this justice.

From previously conversations we've had, I take it that you mean China when you say "The Han". From what I've seen, I think China would greatly appreciate it if the collective west would start working on a ceasefire in Ukraine as well. Here's Xi on the subject of the war in Ukraine, in a press conference with France's Macron back in April:

The French president’s “I know I can count on you” was wildly incautious: The Chinese leader was “inflexible in direct reply to French head of state,” as Le Monde put it. At the same time, Macron managed a nifty chime with Xi on the larger point. “Together with France, we appeal for restraint and reason,” Xi remarked during the Great Hall exchange, “in the quest for a political settlement and the building of a European security architecture that is balanced and lasting.”

Patrick Lawrence: Macron’s Europe | Consortium News
Putin started it, only he can end it. People who are being attacked by a nation have nowhere to go. They are fighting for their families and their homeland. Putin is trying to expand Russia to be more like the Soviet Union. He does not intend to stop with Ukraine. The West has to help Ukraine to make Putin realize the price he has to pay to do his attacking friendly nations. I guess old-fashioned warmongers and expansionists still exist in the world.