the site is all screwy

The activity database is not working. Probably something simple like a space allocation has been exceeded or HD failure.

Oh well! 72 degrees and sunny outside!

Update- this post updated to the activity database, however all of my other prior entries from today are lost.

Looks like the problem is resolved now.
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I Love America
All of you psychos need to prepare yourselves for Damo taking the site down which means you won’t be able to access

Jade and Desh will have to be put on suicide watch.

Oh my gosh, please don't kid yourself.:laugh: I've been through a lot of shit in my life, and you think suicide will pass my mind, if a forum closed? You're just being a prick about people that get under your skin, as usual. I could come here, and reveal I'm dying, and you'd still have the same huffy troll attitude. Poor guy.