The Six Million Scam .. What did they know ,and when did they know it?


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"The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical "6,000,000" figure and using the term "Holocaust". Of course, these clever propagandists have since accomplished their goal of establishing the outrageous myth of the Jewish Holocaust™ in the public consciousness following the end of WW2. In large part due to fictional Hollywood movies like "Shindler's List" from that lying venomous worm, Steven Spielberg. Read The First Holocaust online here.

Why the number "Six Million"?

As documented in the book The First Holocaust, the Zionists have continuously and hysterically attempted to claim that six million Jews were dead, dying or in grave danger in Europe and Russia since the late 1800's. Any time there was turmoil in Europe, albeit turmoil often instigated by Jews in the first place, prominent Zionist figures and Jewish-controlled media organizations world wide continuously whipped up a frenzy with phony sob stories to get people to feel sorry for Europe's Jews and donate money to Jewish charities. It turns out that this mythical six million figure, long since discredited even by mainstream Holohoax historians, comes from a Jewish-Talmudic religious myth that says "ye shall return minus six million" or "you shall return to the land of Israel with six million less", and of course WW2 birthed the modern state of Israel which was established in 1948. Israeli Jews often excuse their systematic genocide of Palestinians and theft of Palestinian lands by bringing up the so-called Holocaust™ of WW2, which any serious researcher and critical thinker knows by now is a fraud of collosal proportions. The Zionists have so much influence that they turned a delusional Jewish religious prophecy into "historical fact".

From History & Scriptural Origins of the Six Million Number;

[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in "burning ovens", which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ". . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State." A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state". --Unknown
[Quote 2] Regarding the 'six million' number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism", Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean -- the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. --A Correspondent
"The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical "6,000,000" figure and using the term "Holocaust". Of course, these clever propagandists have since accomplished their goal of establishing the outrageous myth of the Jewish Holocaust™ in the public consciousness following the end of WW2. In large part due to fictional Hollywood movies like "Shindler's List" from that lying venomous worm, Steven Spielberg. Read The First Holocaust online here.

Why the number "Six Million"?

As documented in the book The First Holocaust, the Zionists have continuously and hysterically attempted to claim that six million Jews were dead, dying or in grave danger in Europe and Russia since the late 1800's. Any time there was turmoil in Europe, albeit turmoil often instigated by Jews in the first place, prominent Zionist figures and Jewish-controlled media organizations world wide continuously whipped up a frenzy with phony sob stories to get people to feel sorry for Europe's Jews and donate money to Jewish charities. It turns out that this mythical six million figure, long since discredited even by mainstream Holohoax historians, comes from a Jewish-Talmudic religious myth that says "ye shall return minus six million" or "you shall return to the land of Israel with six million less", and of course WW2 birthed the modern state of Israel which was established in 1948. Israeli Jews often excuse their systematic genocide of Palestinians and theft of Palestinian lands by bringing up the so-called Holocaust™ of WW2, which any serious researcher and critical thinker knows by now is a fraud of collosal proportions. The Zionists have so much influence that they turned a delusional Jewish religious prophecy into "historical fact".

From History & Scriptural Origins of the Six Million Number;

[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in "burning ovens", which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ". . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State." A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state". --Unknown
[Quote 2] Regarding the 'six million' number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism", Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean -- the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. --A Correspondent

Jeebus...I thought this was going to be some kind of play on the Six Million Dollar Man...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

You got to be some boring anti-semite...yawn!
"The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical "6,000,000" figure and using the term "Holocaust". Of course, these clever propagandists have since accomplished their goal of establishing the outrageous myth of the Jewish Holocaust™ in the public consciousness following the end of WW2. In large part due to fictional Hollywood movies like "Shindler's List" from that lying venomous worm, Steven Spielberg. Read The First Holocaust online here.

Why the number "Six Million"?

As documented in the book The First Holocaust, the Zionists have continuously and hysterically attempted to claim that six million Jews were dead, dying or in grave danger in Europe and Russia since the late 1800's. Any time there was turmoil in Europe, albeit turmoil often instigated by Jews in the first place, prominent Zionist figures and Jewish-controlled media organizations world wide continuously whipped up a frenzy with phony sob stories to get people to feel sorry for Europe's Jews and donate money to Jewish charities. It turns out that this mythical six million figure, long since discredited even by mainstream Holohoax historians, comes from a Jewish-Talmudic religious myth that says "ye shall return minus six million" or "you shall return to the land of Israel with six million less", and of course WW2 birthed the modern state of Israel which was established in 1948. Israeli Jews often excuse their systematic genocide of Palestinians and theft of Palestinian lands by bringing up the so-called Holocaust™ of WW2, which any serious researcher and critical thinker knows by now is a fraud of collosal proportions. The Zionists have so much influence that they turned a delusional Jewish religious prophecy into "historical fact".

From History & Scriptural Origins of the Six Million Number;

[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in "burning ovens", which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ". . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State." A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state". --Unknown
[Quote 2] Regarding the 'six million' number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism", Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean -- the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. --A Correspondent

When it comes to the holocaust, more than the 6 million number is B.S. For saying what you did, are you banned yet?
This fucking place is just Stormfront at this point. The owners and mods must be so proud!
This fucking place is just Stormfront at this point. The owners and mods must be so proud!

Oh. Having the truth spoken makes someplace stormfront? And don't bitch about the owners or mods on this account. If I were allowed to debate you on the matter, I would destroy you. Then smash the pieces into tinier pieces.
Oh. Having the truth spoken makes someplace stormfront? And don't bitch about the owners or mods on this account. If I were allowed to debate you on the matter, I would destroy you. Then smash the pieces into tinier pieces.

LOL I don't debate scumbags like you. If I need to carve up a Turkey I'll wait for Thanksgiving. Don't worry, you'll be gone from this site in a week.
Jeebus...I thought this was going to be some kind of play on the Six Million Dollar Man...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

You got to be some boring anti-semite...yawn!

Based upon what we see here, appears the MAGA militia’s blogosphere has been full of Holocaust deniers, all it takes is a fat kid sitting on his mother’s bed in Jersey to get them going
Where did the number six million come from?

The number seems to have first been mentioned by Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, an Austrian-born official in the Third Reich and a trained historian who served in a number of senior positions in the SS.

In November 1945, Hoettl testified for the prosecution in the Nuremberg trials of accused Nazi war criminals. Later, in the 1961 trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, he also submitted to a lengthy series of questions from the prosecution, speaking under oath from a courtroom in Austria.

On both occasions, he described a conversation he had had with Eichmann, the SS official who had principal responsibility for the logistics of the Jewish genocide, in Budapest in August 1944. In the 1961 testimony, Hoettl recalled how “Eichmann … told me that, according to his information, some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then -- 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.”
Oh. Having the truth spoken makes someplace stormfront? And don't bitch about the owners or mods on this account. If I were allowed to debate you on the matter, I would destroy you. Then smash the pieces into tinier pieces.

That Christiananality pedophilia avoidance pseudoscience to protect & serve SCOTUS Rehnquist's granting standing for those burning Bush's 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" health care plan patriot act acceptance where a Washington, D.C. born retired veteran; which used to be one of Eisenhower's Pentagon staff sergeants who was WW II concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court since their not so master race asserted Eisenhower was a mass murderer of Nazis after WW II .
Holy shit! Salty's more sentient than I thought! :eek:

You got that one right, salty! :good4u:

How goes that national religion avoidance of "serve the Pope or die" Fourth Reich style, where instead of brokering Islam oil to the Third Reich for Jewish deaths the Catholic Church brokered Islam "death to the infidels" to a patriot act of thieving US Constitution arsonists.
How goes that national religion avoidance of "serve the Pope or die" Fourth Reich style, where instead of brokering Islam oil to the Third Reich for Jewish deaths the Catholic Church brokered Islam "death to the infidels" to a patriot act of thieving US Constitution arsonists.

That's the salty I know! :D

Viva The Crusades, baby!
That's the salty I know! :D

Viva The Crusades, baby!

So approval of VIVA those South America illegal aliens & their drug the USA for those 9/11 crusades jihad just as Nazi Germany bartering Jewish Holocaust deaths for Islam oil brokered thru the Pope is the new national religion of SCOTUS more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" in lieu of oil brokered by the Catholic Church for the USA patriot act even if Eisenhower reiterated "Never Again" where SCOTUS should have aborted the baby !
you are one of the 'things' that hold us back as a people. how dare you impugn the integrity of those in our military that actually found these gulags of need to be shunned in the most abusive way imaginable

In that 20 + years old Christiananality pedophilia "man is God" tradition of SCOTUS Fourth Reich supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of "serve the Pope or die" fabricated 'Eisenhower was as mass murderer war criminal' misnomer immaculate granted standing WW II concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations in those burning Bush's 9/11 mass neuroses of fascism more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" health care as fabricated Islam misnomers & immaculate drug conceptions attack on a Washington, D.C. born retired Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower, funding their master race suicidal super egos patriot act sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming in lieu of Islam oil superseding their Third Reich master plan funding a national religion of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - DOI - Israel flags - absentee voting ballots arsonists conception.