The slippery slope of gay marriage?

*blush* again...thanks

now i have a fantasy of you having a fantasy of me, maybe we need a private thread?

We probably do, but knowing the effect it will have on the neocons makes me more of an exhibitionist.
You are so right!!!!! Wait and watch...

must not.....fantasize.....

Sorry, can't do it. I am still mentally watching you frolic in the chocolate.
Great picture, Froggie.

Now I have something to imagine in the chocolate.
Ah, no, I have a few myself, it involves a chocolate spa...and waterfall.

You ladies and your chocolate. I swear! LOL When my wife and I were courting I asker her how much she loved me? She said "I love you more than chocolate". I replied "That's a damned lie and you know it. No woman loves a man that much" She laughed and admitted it was a lie.
You ladies and your chocolate. I swear! LOL When my wife and I were courting I asker her how much she loved me? She said "I love you more than chocolate". I replied "That's a damned lie and you know it. No woman loves a man that much" She laughed and admitted it was a lie.

Don 't complain! It gives us an easy out for a quick gift. Buy some very good chocolate and they will not care how long you shopped for it.
Don 't complain! It gives us an easy out for a quick gift. Buy some very good chocolate and they will not care how long you shopped for it.
I'm one step ahead of you. Chocolates are my favorite peace offering when the little Mrs is mad at me. Mango's are #2 though what she does with mangos is....well let's just say it's an aquired taste.
I'm one step ahead of you. Chocolates are my favorite peace offering when the little Mrs is mad at me. Mango's are #2 though what she does with mangos is....well let's just say it's an aquired taste.

I won't even ask.

But (and this is advice for the younger ones) be careful how you start out with chocolate as a peace offering. Don't start with the top chocolates. Go with something gourmet but leave room for improvement.
I won't even ask.

But (and this is advice for the younger ones) be careful how you start out with chocolate as a peace offering. Don't start with the top chocolates. Go with something gourmet but leave room for improvement.
Well the quality of the chocolates are ussually in direct proportion to my fuck up. A minor screw up is a bag on mini snickers. A big screw up requires a trip to the local Anthony Thomas factory. Intermediates screws ups can be forgiven with some flowers and a bar of Toblerone.
Well the quality of the chocolates are ussually in direct proportion to my fuck up. A minor screw up is a bag on mini snickers. A big screw up requires a trip to the local Anthony Thomas factory. Intermediates screws ups can be forgiven with some flowers and a bar of Toblerone.

Toblerone is delicious. I have a friend in Sarasota that I have send me chocolate from a german grocery store down there. No english on the label seems to make my wife even happier. Iit IS some good stuff.