The so-called president disgracing that office at being a thieving menace.

The other thing about illegals is that they do EVERYTHING they possibly can to avoid coming to the attention of the authorities. They are NOT going to take a chance on being busted and deported just to vote. And despite the dearly-cherished Reichwing myth, they aren't lining up for food stamps and social security and "welfare" either -- because they don't want to get busted and deported.

That’s a crock of shit !
That’s a crock of shit !

Here's your award for best post ever.


Donald Trump Has Spent Nearly A Third of His Presidency Visiting His Business Properties At Taxpayer Expense: Report"

Yet the bullsh!tter in chief will still have his ass kissers willing to go straight to hell with him and his morbid and putrid team of aids:

Trump has spent nearly a third of his presidency visiting his business properties at taxpayer expense, according to a new report by the government watchdog group Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington.
CREW has found over 2,300 conflicts of interest resulting from Trump's decision not to divest ownership of his global business empire upon entering office. The group used social media, news reports, Freedom of Information Act responses and other sources of information to tally these instances. The nonprofit added that there are likely more conflicts of interest than the ones they have been able to identify.
"This corrupt relationship between the Trump Organization and the White House leaves the American public in the dark about whether presidential decisions and policy are being made in the best interest of the country or in the best interest of the president's own bottom line," Noah Bookbinder, CREW's executive director, told Newsweek."

Grifters gonna grift. :mad:
Yep, that probably WILL happen. What the lefties don't get is that Killery got a substantial number of ILLEGAL votes, in the millions, to get her the popular vote. If you took away those ILLEGAL votes, I'm sure Trump actually beat her in popular votes, as well. We'll never know the exact number of ILLEGAL votes she did get, but I've read estimates of three to ten MILLION.

You can't cough up a single legitimate source that proves Hillary got a substantial number of illegal votes. Tell us how a vote is flagged as illegal, hotshot.
The other thing about illegals is that they do EVERYTHING they possibly can to avoid coming to the attention of the authorities. They are NOT going to take a chance on being busted and deported just to vote. And despite the dearly-cherished Reichwing myth, they aren't lining up for food stamps and social security and "welfare" either -- because they don't want to get busted and deported.

Brainiac Vandermelon is going to get you for this!
Donald Trump Has Spent Nearly A Third of His Presidency Visiting His Business Properties At Taxpayer Expense: Report"

Yet the bullsh!tter in chief will still have his ass kissers willing to go straight to hell with him and his morbid and putrid team of aids:

Trump has spent nearly a third of his presidency visiting his business properties at taxpayer expense, according to a new report by the government watchdog group Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington.
CREW has found over 2,300 conflicts of interest resulting from Trump's decision not to divest ownership of his global business empire upon entering office. The group used social media, news reports, Freedom of Information Act responses and other sources of information to tally these instances. The nonprofit added that there are likely more conflicts of interest than the ones they have been able to identify.
"This corrupt relationship between the Trump Organization and the White House leaves the American public in the dark about whether presidential decisions and policy are being made in the best interest of the country or in the best interest of the president's own bottom line," Noah Bookbinder, CREW's executive director, told Newsweek."

CREW has found over 2,300 conflicts of interest resulting from Trump's decision not to divest ownership of his global business empire upon entering office.

You can't cough up a single legitimate source that proves Hillary got a substantial number of illegal votes. Tell us how a vote is flagged as illegal, hotshot.

He-he, you are one Killery-loving moron! A vote is illegal if it's cast by an ILLEGAL citizen who is NOT legally a U.S. citizen. This person is here in the U.S. illegally, yet they are allowed to cast a vote. Investor's Business Daily estimated that at least THREE MILLION of Hillary's votes were cast by illegals, although that number could be much higher. One way illegal voting can go undetected is if a person doesn't have to provide photo ID to vote. Remarkably, this is allowed in many states, including California. Where a good portion of the illegal votes in the 2016 election were suspected to have come from.
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He-he, you are one Killery-loving moron! A vote is illegal if it's cast by an ILLEGAL citizen who is NOT legally a U.S. citizen. This person is here in the U.S. illegally, yet they are allowed to cast a vote. Investor's Business Daily estimated that at least THREE MILLION of Hillary's votes were cast by illegals, although that number could be much higher. One way illegal voting can go undetected is if a person doesn't have to provide photo ID to vote. Remarkably, this is allowed in many states, including California. Where a good portion of the illegal votes in the 2016 election were suspected to have come from.

Where's christiefan and the rest of the libs? "Crickets".
He-he, you are one Killery-loving moron! A vote is illegal if it's cast by an ILLEGAL citizen who is NOT legally a U.S. citizen. This person is here in the U.S. illegally, yet they are allowed to cast a vote. Investor's Business Daily estimated that at least THREE MILLION of Hillary's votes were cast by illegals, although that number could be much higher. One way illegal voting can go undetected is if a person doesn't have to provide photo ID to vote. Remarkably, this is allowed in many states, including California. Where a good portion of the illegal votes in the 2016 election were suspected to have come from.

This is not about Hillary, it's about the circular argument you made here. You haven't said how IBD or anybody knows illegal votes were cast. I looked it up and IBD actually said "But, in fact, it's almost certain that illegals did vote — and in significant numbers. Whether it was three million or not is another question."

First they say it was a fact but give no proof for this. Then they say it could or couldn't have been three million but give no proof of this, either. There are no supporting arguments for anything in the IBD article. It's all supposition, omission and opinion by a trump-friendly site. The only fact is that there's no way to tell if illegals are voting in large numbers, if at all.

I vote in every election and don't need to provide photo ID or any ID, for that matter. My name is on the list and gets checked off. My neighbors are poll workers and know me. If someone really wants to vote illegally they can make a fake photo ID just like underage kids do in order to buy alcohol. It stretches credulity to claim that illegals are flirting with capture just to do something they don't have to do.
Rightys do not have to have proof of a claim, nor do they have to defend it. Simply making a claim is a win. The illegal voting is just a typical example. Proof, I don't need no stinking proof. I have lots of rightys who are just as misinformed as I am to back me up.
If you believe 5 million California illegals voted for Hillary,then it happened.