The soul of the right is being displayed out in the open as never before.

. The one trick pony is asking me? I have posted lots of things that Trump has done wrong and a lot about international relations crippled by Daffy. I posted about his Supremes choice theft. I suppose I could list them, but by virtue of the fact you made that claim, i can see I talk to a closed mind Trumplestilskin. Waste my time with you.

and yet you keep responding to've posted a lot of lies and bullshit.....I tend to ignore that.....feel free not to waste your time if you have something valuable to do.....
the Nazi's were a real civil group also.
Yep just like our current leftists shouting down the opposition, threatening people, I figure before log they'll start burning News stands displaying National Review and Weekly standard.
What is this with these haters, what does Obama have to do with this thread.

Haters? The OP is nothing but hate but that's OK because it's a white President not the black POS that people thought was qualified because of his skin color.
Haters? The OP is nothing but hate but that's OK because it's a white President not the black POS that people thought was qualified because of his skin color.

Oh hell, he's still here, thought you were dying so we could all remember you for what you've done.
Steve Schmidt, a big time Republican and one of its highest thinkers said "If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower can be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated.Destroyed, All of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards need to go down . Maybe something can be regenerated from that.
He ran the Mccain campaign.
You should really crawl outside that little noise bubble you obviously occupy because that bears absolutely no resemblance to the truth or anything like it. The only thing noticeable that has happened in this country is that conservatives have decided that being civil toward people who don't even make a pretense at being civil is a waste of time.

you are the racist party fucking idiot

racists don't deserve civility
Steve Schmidt, a big time Republican and one of its highest thinkers said "If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower can be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated.Destroyed, All of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards need to go down . Maybe something can be regenerated from that.
He ran the Mccain campaign.

Yep just like our current leftists shouting down the opposition, threatening people, I figure before log they'll start burning News stands displaying National Review and Weekly standard.

your fuckers have been shooting and running people over idiot
have you come up with anything new since the election?.....

Took many opportunities to educate you with posting and cites. But I figured you have nothing to work with. i feel sad for you now. PP you are just a meme producer. Toss in an occasional insult and all you have is done with. Nothing more to add.
I'm absolutely stunned by the liberal response. Trump keeps us safe by enacting the Muslim ban, and all the liberals do is complain about it.
I would rather live in a Muslim neighborhood and have them be my closest neighbors before one of you right wing scum balls any day of the week. Your all bottom feeders and you all have to go, my choice is chipping all of you and watching you everyday for the rest of your lives so you don't get a chance of destroying this country again. You are this countries only clear enemy and have to be treated like our enemy..
Sorry no I am a small government conservative we haven't shot or run over anyone.
Why would you even admit to be in the hate party ,which makes you a bigot and this countries worst enemy and threat. You we have to get rid of. Watch closely over the next year, you will soon understand.
I would rather live in a Muslim neighborhood and have them be my closest neighbors before one of you right wing scum balls any day of the week. Your all bottom feeders and you all have to go, my choice is chipping all of you and watching you everyday for the rest of your lives so you don't get a chance of destroying this country again. You are this countries only clear enemy and have to be treated like our enemy..

Then move; because you're just going to be unhappier with the elections this year and in 2020.

Took many opportunities to educate you with posting and cites. But I figured you have nothing to work with. i feel sad for you now. PP you are just a meme producer. Toss in an occasional insult and all you have is done with. Nothing more to add.

you have nothing but your own ignorance to offer......that's been pretty clear since day one.......your soul is being displayed out in the open........and it is ugly.......