The Spouses

People forget that SS also gives this protection.

That is a tuff age to lose your Dad were you the oldest boy?

yes I was the oldest boy. I did finish HS while working pretty much fulltime in a grocery store to help with the money.
And I was still young enough that my head was still up my butt and I had not really gotten to know what a great person my dad was.
It is very hard to see how great a person your Dad is in your teens as a man. If you have a great Dad it makes it seem just too hard to be his equal. You have to see him as flawed to be able to see a path for yourself to become his equal or better.

I have often wished to be able to look back and realize my Dad was a better man than I thought. Damn that reality thing.
While I respect the stay at home mother and belive that it is a very honerable and Difficult job, I do find it interesting the difference between the two groups. The Democrats marry educated working women. So did I.

So you think the Reps wives are not educated? Why? Because they don't choose to enter the work force? Or because you believe what the resident idiot has apparently told you?

Hmm... Ann Romney has a degree from BYU

Cindy McCain has her masters from USC.

You are smarter than this Jarod. Don't listen to the resident idiot Cypress.
This is what's wrong with this country, complete traditional wholesome families are viewed with contempt by some, this mindset is the bedrock of our divorce, abortion, self responsibility problem. It's much more difficult to raise a good family than to get a college degree, and your contempt of them is naive and self destructive.

How is it wholesome or right?
I think it's gross that you are acting as if women who choose to stay home and raise children are the ones under attack. It has always been women who choose the opposite who are attacked as anti-family, bad mothers, and unfeminine.

This entire subject is a debate going on within the feminist community and I frankly find it absurd for men to be involved in it at all. None of you have anything interesting to say on the subject.

My personal view is that women should not attack other women for life choices of any kind.

I have always been attacked and viewed with suspicion because I do not want children. Most have assumed I can't have them. Wrong. Many have assumed I must want them. Wrong again.

Most of the people who have attacked me have been other women. Well, and Topper. lol

What, why are you attacking me on this?
No, I am implying that the wives of the Republican canidates listed above are less educated that the wives of the Democratic canidates listed above!


What exactly are you basing this analysis from? Oh yeah, you take the word of the resident idiot.
Top, super, Dixie, Grind, SR and hell I cant remember who all.

Bullshit Desh. I have never said you were worthless or anything of the such for staying at home. Calling you an idiot when it comes to economics doesn't have a thing to do with your staying at home.
Making fun of your endless conspiracies also has nothing to do with your staying at home.
you said that ?????

Obviously you have shown yet again a consistent inability to read and comprehend. Just as you must have when "backing Deshs 'static'" that people on the right have attacked her for being a stay at home mom. Other than Toppy I don't know anyone who has done so.
Bullshit Desh. I have never said you were worthless or anything of the such for staying at home. Calling you an idiot when it comes to economics doesn't have a thing to do with your staying at home.
Making fun of your endless conspiracies also has nothing to do with your staying at home.

You may be right.

You may never have dome so. I just looked back at some of your posts to me all all I ever saw was you calling me an idiot. I have to admitt I probably ignore much of what you post because of it. Sorry for mislabeling you venom for me.
You may be right.

You may never have dome so. I just looked back at some of your posts to me all all I ever saw was you calling me an idiot. I have to admitt I probably ignore much of what you post because of it. Sorry for mislabeling you venom for me.

No worries. I am used to you liberals being wrong. ;)
I could not remember which ones for sure, just that desh did get razzed by some on the right for being a stay at home mom.
What exactly are you basing this analysis from? Oh yeah, you take the word of the resident idiot.

More lies, from my small cadre of fans who are forever sniffing around, desparately trying to find examples of me "lying" or being "disingenous".

I said not one single word about the republicans spouses having lesser education. In fact, I think all of them went to college. I think Cindy McCain went to Stanford, and probably has an outstanding education. And I compliment her on her philanthropy work.

Several people on the thread were able to comprehend what I actually said. It was quite clear. It was that the republican spouses appear to fit the background and role model of the traditional First lady - and that "values voters" prefer to have a first lady who conforms to the traditional role model of mother, caregiver, and nurturer.
What exactly are you basing this analysis from? Oh yeah, you take the word of the resident idiot.

I guess I should say that if the initial post is true the Republican wives listed are less educated, and even with the update that fact remains true.
I guess I should say that if the initial post is true the Republican wives listed are less educated, and even with the update that fact remains true.

So a Masters is less than a law degree?

The initial post was from the resident idiot. That by itself should tell you that you should have questioned the validity. Would you take Dano at his word in such a manner?

I didn't think so.
So a Masters is less than a law degree?

The initial post was from the resident idiot. That by itself should tell you that you should have questioned the validity. Would you take Dano at his word in such a manner?

I didn't think so.

heck yes, a masters is easier than a law degree.