The steps of human evolution...

there isn't a post in this thread with a link to science.....and you don't understand enough about science to understand if there were......

You have no idea whatsoever what I know about science, and since you have such a penchant for assuming shit you have no knowledge of, I just don't take you seriously. If you'll do that here, you'll do it with science and evolution.

Master's in cellular molecular biology/biochemistry and 26 years in both academic and industry (pharma) research labs.

Have a nice afternoon making shit up pard, cheers.
1: unknown imaginary substance.
2: fish
3: unknown fish/lizard
4: lizards
5: unknown lizard/mammal
6: monkeys
7: missing link (none found so far)
8: humans

Student: Mrs Anderson. I don't believe in evolution.
Teacher: Sally. Go to the Principles office and don't ever say that again.

Is it any wonder some people are so confused?

LOL there's nothing in between monkeys and humans in the evolutionary record! Haha are you retarded? We literally have apelike human fossils that were covered in hair from 3-4 million years back, what the fuck is that retard?

Also you somehow skipped 3 billion years in which the only know organisms were microbiology. No shit it would be unbelievable that we would go straight from proto life goop to fucking fish! There were basically no multicellular organisms before the Cambrian explosion half a billion years back!

Also I assure you no teacher is going to punish you for saying you don't believe in evolution! Half of them are tards that don't believe in it themselves and can barely teach the lesson in a neutral manner !

Hahaha holy fuck right wingers are retarded!
You have no idea whatsoever what I know about science, and since you have such a penchant for assuming shit you have no knowledge of, I just don't take you seriously. If you'll do that here, you'll do it with science and evolution.

Master's in cellular molecular biology/biochemistry and 26 years in both academic and industry (pharma) research labs.

Have a nice afternoon making shit up pard, cheers.

making shit up up like your "degrees".....I was expecting something more in the line of elementary education......the receiving rather than the teaching aspect....
You have no idea whatsoever what I know about science, and since you have such a penchant for assuming shit you have no knowledge of, I just don't take you seriously. If you'll do that here, you'll do it with science and evolution.

Master's in cellular molecular biology/biochemistry and 26 years in both academic and industry (pharma) research labs.

Have a nice afternoon making shit up pard, cheers.