the strange majority

Bush should be in prison for what he did to the people of Fallughia.

how about we make a addition to the law to go get the delivery system that says Bush and team have to go to prison for their use of Chem weapons.

I like that.
I think the "leaders" should have to fight it out gladiator style in a steel cage death match on pay-per-view.

Bet we'd never have another war.

have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy?

that is how they chose the president in that movie
If American interests are at stake, then it is incumbent upon those advocating for military action to convince Congress and the American people of that threat. Too often, the debate begins and ends with an assertion that our national interest is at stake without any evidence of that assertion. The burden of proof lies with those who wish to engage in war.

Bashar Assad is clearly not an American ally. But does his ouster encourage stability in the Middle East, or would his ouster actually encourage instability?

Are the Islamic rebels our allies? Will they defend American interests? Will they acknowledge Israel’s right to exist? Will they impose Shari‘a? Will they tolerate Christians, or will they pillage and destroy ancient Christian churches and people?

The President and his Administration have not provided good answers to any of these questions. Those who seek military action have an obligation to publicly address these concerns before dragging our soldiers into another Middle Eastern war. Shooting first and aiming later has not worked for us in the past, and it should not be our game plan now.

Rand Paul......
Nancy Pelosi saw the intell guys.

Is she a warmonger to you?

What she is, is a team player. She'll do and/or say anything for her party, even if she knows it is wrong. Much like Desh will do, except she can do it better because she's in a position of power.
I think this part from the article in the op pretty much covers what a lot of us feel

but how to respond effectively remains unknown; and if chemical weapons were actually used is apparently still in some doubt.
right, because Elliason is a Muslim without an agenda, right? He speaks from reason, correct?