They're not conservative - they're left-wing filth and the byproduct of left-wing filth:Incels are Conservatives who are angry that they can't get laid, so they blame women.
1. Believe the degenerate and morally repugnant view that porn addiction and masturbation are the ultimate pursuits in life, much like the deviant left and their radical sexual politics.
2. Believe they're "entitled" to sex because they view themselves as a "sexual minority" much like the radical left and their radical sexual politics
3. Believe "consent laws" shouldn't matter, or should be abolished just like the radical, deviant pro-pedophilia left, NAMBLA, etc
No right-wing nationalist platform would tolerate their existence at all anymore than Hitler did Jews and homosexuals.
They should be killed; they're nothing but a blight upon evolution, race, society, nation, and so forth. I would gladly kill them myself if it was allowed.Of course I wouldn't say they should be killed. Though keeping them from voting would be nice.